I'm so excited for Jurassic World, you have no idea... The boy and I freak out about it whenever something new comes up, and one of my co-workers and I have thoroughly exasperated our other co-workers on numerous occasions talking about the movie. And, from most of the people I've talked to it about, even those who aren't really fans like we are, just about everyone is excited to at least see it once. The fact that the movie takes place when the park is an actual
reality seems to be the biggest draw. And, of course, the new, badass dino. I can't imagine this movie being anything less than a massive hit worldwide, so Universal should have a lot to play with in the future for this IP.

But back to the rides...
The first time I saw the trailer and then went looking through the park's "official" site, I saw that Gyrosphere ride and immediately said "I need to ride that". Now, this is my response to any awesome action/ride-type scene in a good movie (goblin town escape or barrel ride in the hobbit? I need to ride that. Spinning cornucopia of death in Catching Fire? I need to ride that. F&F movies? I NEED to ride that. If it looks like it could be an awesome ride, I want it to be, so I can ride it, and I immediately think of Universal

), but seeing it roaming around under freaking dinosaurs? F-yeah, make that happen. And, again, I thought of IOA and all that undeveloped land around the river ride... A ride like the one in the movie would be a GREAT addition to IOA, though it would take years to build and theme right (just imagine the work that would go into the dinos

), even if they had to change it around. And featuring Indominus Rex and the Raptor Squad (sounds like a jurassic rock band XD) would have to happen, because I-Rex is awesome (does she have a fan name, yet?) and the Raptors already have everyone excited. Plus, from the official trailer, it seems like she can influence the other dinosaurs in some way to attack each other and the humans. She's the absolute alpha amongst the dinos and they seem to be playing on this in the movie (like in Dragon 2, where the alpha was able to exert control over the other dragons who almost could not resist it in any way, even going against their bonded handlers), which would translate into an amazing ride... Just chilling, rolling through the dinos like nothing when all of a sudden, meat-eaters everywhere--from the ground, from the water, from the skies... Veggie-saurs start panicking, everything is chaos...poor humans.

Pretty typical jurassic park experience.
Other than the obvious thrill ride, though, the fake "real" Jurassic Park has an expanded kiddie area, including an egg-spinner ride and water play area (I think? Haven't looked at the site in a bit), which could do a lot to improve on the real park's kiddie area. Another kiddie ride themed in a jurassic way, expanded or updated camp jurassic, a themed, sit-down family restaurant would be great in that area (IOA needs something over there), as well as the show that's coming soon that features the raptors.. If the movie is a success (and I see now way it couldn't be), it's going to mean great things for this area. I get excited thinking about the movie and then looking back at the early concept art and thinking about what they could do to make some of that art a reality, now--or even just use it as inspiration. And with Kong added to the mix... It could have been an odd fit, but with the Skull Island, prequel-type focus, it blends in really well with what's already there, and they could run with both themes quite easily as they expand. Not sure what this would mean for Toon Lagoon, though lol