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Knott's Berry Farm

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Went to the park today to get some rides in since I had another day off and haven't gone in a hot minute. I was hoping to get some low-wait rides on Ghostrider, but lo and behold, it was closed. Lots of stuff was closed today and here's the list of attractions closed:

-Sol Spin
-La Revolution

Apparently I saw on a FB group that Sol Spin and Revolution had essential maintenance to be done, which is fair, but Ghostrider hurt the most. Three of their five "big coasters" are all down, which is not good. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I hope and pray that they are prioritizing Monty after Xcellerator. It better be open next year.

On the flip side, I discovered a really good breakfast burrito place down the street from Knott's called Athenian Burgers. If you want to grab a burrito there before spending your day or afternoon at the park I strongly recommend!
Athenian rules. I grew up in Buena Park not far from their original location before they moved to where they are now. Their breakfast burritos are next level!
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I feel like its not uncommon for Ghostrider to undergo a quick refurbishment at the end of summer, so it's in top condition for Scary Farm? I don’t know if that happens every year but I've certainly seen it before. I'm totally fine with that, because Scary Farm Ghostrider rides>>>>>>
It is but what hurts is two other coasters are already down
I feel like its not uncommon for Ghostrider to undergo a quick refurbishment at the end of summer, so it's in top condition for Scary Farm? I don’t know if that happens every year but I've certainly seen it before. I'm totally fine with that, because Scary Farm Ghostrider rides>>>>>>
I would normally agree but in this case Xcellerator AND Monty are still down, leaving Silver Bullet and Hangtime as the only “real” coasters in the park (Sierra Sidewinder is underrated but still). Having their three signature coasters down isn’t good.
yeah, seeing this list of closed rides is a really tough look — especially as they're in the midst of their big season pass drive. and to see essentially half of fiesta village closed in the summer following its major renovation is ... not the best.
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apologies for the double post — but you can now add pony express to the list of closed attractions. that is, for those who don't like counting, four of the park's seven roller coasters. in other words: more than half! that's some real magic mountain energy.
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While all's been seemingly quiet on Montezooma, I've been hearing a few rumors here and there.
As a preface, RUMORS. Could be right, could be dead wrong. Take it with as much or little grain of salt as you'd like.

The main rumor is the ride is coming back, and that is very much a good thing...and we should be thankful since that might be all we're getting. Yeup, the other part of the rumor is we're not getting the fancy features that were advertised for this refurb. No multiple launch profiles, therefore, the added OTSR's would be pointless if there's no launch backwards from a standstill. And with just one launch profile, there would also be no special "Once every 100 launches" launch profile, either.

And as for that themed queue with booby traps and whatnot? Forget it. The budget for that is gone, the main focus is getting the ride back up.
While all's been seemingly quiet on Montezooma, I've been hearing a few rumors here and there.
As a preface, RUMORS. Could be right, could be dead wrong. Take it with as much or little grain of salt as you'd like.

The main rumor is the ride is coming back, and that is very much a good thing...and we should be thankful since that might be all we're getting. Yeup, the other part of the rumor is we're not getting the fancy features that were advertised for this refurb. No multiple launch profiles, therefore, the added OTSR's would be pointless if there's no launch backwards from a standstill. And with just one launch profile, there would also be no special "Once every 100 launches" launch profile, either.

And as for that themed queue with booby traps and whatnot? Forget it. The budget for that is gone, the main focus is getting the ride back up.
Honestly….I’ll take it. I just wanted it to come back as is from the get-go. I’m just glad it’s coming back period. I really hope they axe the OTSRs if they won’t go with the backwards launch.
While all's been seemingly quiet on Montezooma, I've been hearing a few rumors here and there.
As a preface, RUMORS. Could be right, could be dead wrong. Take it with as much or little grain of salt as you'd like.

The main rumor is the ride is coming back, and that is very much a good thing...and we should be thankful since that might be all we're getting. Yeup, the other part of the rumor is we're not getting the fancy features that were advertised for this refurb. No multiple launch profiles, therefore, the added OTSR's would be pointless if there's no launch backwards from a standstill. And with just one launch profile, there would also be no special "Once every 100 launches" launch profile, either.

And as for that themed queue with booby traps and whatnot? Forget it. The budget for that is gone, the main focus is getting the ride back up.
I'll take that with a grain like you mentioned, but dang. I wish they could have kept the original launch and just updated the queue and trains or something instead of this.
The new RMC Wild Moose model might be a perfect fit for that area in Camp Snoopy. I'll be interested to see where the first of these start popping up.
Honeslty not sure why anyone anywhere thinks or thought the ride is gone for good. There is legit nothing else that would fit there than a shuttle coaster. And again, buying a new loop and launch track is still easily way cheaper than any other "new" thrill coaster they could build. Knotts and Cedar fair have money, its all about figuring out the legal issue with what happened and finding the right timing budget wise.

And Queue wise. Its 100% even if not as grand as they wanted before its gonna be better than what we had. Looking at the rest of Fiset village it would def be an upgrade of some kind to what we had. Were getting new concrete/flooring, sign, painting. Its at least gonna get as refreshed as the Flats did. That building and queue are 45 years old.

Personally I think we might still get the full jazzed up queue version but thats If this project is now pushed back to 2025 so It can be done right and your not advertising Fista village 2 years in a row. Thats why they're charging ahead with Camp Snoopy.

Camp Snoopy Revamp + Kid/family Coaster 2024
Fully Jazzed up Monte 2025
Boardwalk Games area Remodel / Xcelerator - Coasters Dine In midway repave/enhance redo 2026 (One can hope)
Honeslty not sure why anyone anywhere thinks or thought the ride is gone for good. There is legit nothing else that would fit there than a shuttle coaster. And again, buying a new loop and launch track is still easily way cheaper than any other "new" thrill coaster they could build. Knotts and Cedar fair have money, its all about figuring out the legal issue and finding the right timing budget wise.

And Queue wise. Its 100% even if not as grand as they wanted before its gonna be better than what we had. Looking at the rest of Fiset village it would def be an upgrade of some kind to what we had. Were getting new concrete/flooring, sign, painting. Its at least gonna get as refreshed as the Flats did. That building and queue are 45 years old.

Personally I think we might still get the full jazzed up queue version but thats If this project is now pushed back to 2025 so It can be done right and your not advertising Fista village 2 years in a row. Thats why they're charging ahead with Camp Snoopy.

Camp Snoopy Revamp + Kid/family Coaster 2024
Fully Jazzed up Monte 2025
Boardwalk Games area Remodel / Xcelerator/Coasters Dine In midway repave/enhance redo 2026 (One can hope)

One could argue that there are options for a very small coaster. The S&S Freespins come to mind, and they'd be cheap and easy to produce (ontop of being something that can have a custom layout that'd work in small spaces).

I wouldn't count it out
One could argue that there are options for a very small coaster. The S&S Freespins come to mind, and they'd be cheap and easy to produce (ontop of being something that can have a custom layout that'd work in small spaces).

I wouldn't count it out

A free spin is def much wider than Monte, and there is no custom layout. It would not fit there really. Plus It probably would cost more or the same at minimum anyways. gotta tear out the station. Jaguar is right there.

Plus those rides suck, and even though not the same, but green lantern did not go well here, X2 is up the road. It would seem like a knock off lesser version. And it would def have lower capacity and frankly just look worse in the area.

I doubt it would be as popular or move the needle as much anyways and def wouldn't be as unique.
Ain't no way this gets pushed to 2025. Even SFMM ain't this lazy. You seriously think it's gonna take three years to get a simple shuttle coaster back up and running? It's already excessive with two and a half years.

If the rumors are true and we're just getting the bare-bones treatment of getting the ride back up and running again (Which is what they should've done in the first place!), there is no way this gets pushed to 2025. I hope to see movement again in January at the latest.

Get the new track, get the launch system in place, and get with it. All we really wanted was the original ride back with the old parts replaced/restored. This project has been a colossal disaster. Get with it Knott's.
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