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Moon Knight (Disney+)

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So now I understand why reviewers were sent the first 4 episodes. This episode was easily the best yet and got trippy as hell towards the end. The action sequences in this episode were great, although I really wish the there was more actual Moon Knight in the show called Moon Knight. It's Steven/Marc and Layla with limited costume usage, so it really is making it hard, aside from the multiple personalities, to truly make this show feel unique when you have movies such as Raiders of the Lost Ark & The Mummy to compare it to.

Right at the end of the episode, there was another coffin shaking, which is either simply a nod to Jake Lockley and nothing else or if he's in the show, i'd put good odds we see him next week.
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So now I understand why reviewers were sent the first 4 episodes. This episode was easily the best yet and got trippy as hell towards the end. The action sequences in this episode were great, although I really wish the there was more actual Moon Knight in the show called Moon Knight. It's Steven/Marc and Layla with limited costume usage, so it really is making it hard, aside from the multiple personalities, to truly make this show feel unique when you have movies such as Raiders of the Lost Ark & The Mummy to compare it to.

Right at the end of the episode, there was another coffin shaking, which is either simply a nod to Jake Lockley and nothing else or if he's in the show, i'd put good odds we see him next week.

Definitely agree. I think this series was slow to start, but each episode has gotten better as they got through the table-setting.

This episode really got close to the line of horror I was hoping for and surprised at the sound effects but keeping a lot off-screen to keep it relatively bloodless. They're pushing the edges of the box Marvel likes to be in.

The hospital setting is lifted right Jeff Lemire's run of Moon Knight where it was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with Ammet gaslighting Marc into thinking he's merely crazy. It's the reason why I like Moon Knight so I'm really excited they're pulling aspects of that in.

The office Harrow was in was a painted/modified version of the room when they jumped out the window down to the street.

The coffin has to be Jake or maybe someone saying their Khonshu. If they went for a gaslighting angle and wanted to spend more time in the hospital, it'd be amazing if F. Murray Abraham came out of it and what doing the voice and telling him where to go, but I don't think they'd go that meta.

This is the Oscar Isaac having a breakdown through Raiders and I'm here for it.
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Definitely agree. I think this series was slow to start, but each episode has gotten better as they got through the table-setting.

This episode really got close to the line of horror I was hoping for and surprised at the sound effects but keeping a lot off-screen to keep it relatively bloodless. They're pushing the edges of the box Marvel likes to be in.

The hospital setting is lifted right Jeff Lemire's run of Moon Knight where it was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with Ammet gaslighting Marc into thinking he's merely crazy. It's the reason why I like Moon Knight so I'm really excited they're pulling aspects of that in.

The office Harrow was in was a painted/modified version of the room when they jumped out the window down to the street.

The coffin has to be Jake or maybe someone saying their Khonshu. If they went for a gaslighting angle and wanted to spend more time in the hospital, it'd be amazing if F. Murray Abraham came out of it and what doing the voice and telling him where to go, but I don't think they'd go that meta.

This is the Oscar Isaac having a breakdown through Raiders and I'm here for it.
It seems obvious that the body of Marc/Steven will be resurrected by the end of the season in some way. If you noticed, he was shot twice, potentially one shot for Marc and one for Steven. I think it's very possible that we see the body brought back by Jake.
The hippopotamus god at the end completely caught me off guard.

Loved how it ended up with the beginning of Lemire's run, which is what made MK so interesting to me - it was a compelling story after the character was once made a bit of a punchline.* Love these kind of comics, and this is maybe the second (?) one to have a good translation to TV.

*See also, Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, Grant Morrison's Animal Man, Peacemaker, John Byrne's She-Hulk, etc.
Loved how it ended up with the beginning of Lemire's run, which is what made MK so interesting to me - it was a compelling story after the character was once made a bit of a punchline.* Love these kind of comics, and this is maybe the second (?) one to have a good translation to TV.

*See also, Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, Grant Morrison's Animal Man, Peacemaker, John Byrne's She-Hulk, etc.
Lemire's run is surely as ultimate of a run for Moon Knight as it gets, but each different run has been so different from another that it's cool to see a bit of a mashup with elements from all Moon Knight runs incorporated here. I suppose for a character with multiple personalities, it's only fitting that all his runs have been so different from each other.
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This song suddenly has a completely different context to it now :lol: But also I mean, this man is just a treasure. He really got into full character to sing a Hippopotamus song. Takes me back to when he was in Inside Llewyn Davis, a bit.

Talk about carrying an entire episode basically on one actors back. Oscar Isaac has done a fantastic job this series and he'll definitely get nominated for an Emmy, but the problem for him is, he's going to be competing against himself for Marriage Story and it's never good to go up against yourself in a category as the vote becomes split. He'll probably be going up against the likes of Jared Leto (WeCrashed) and probably Andrew Garfield (Under The Banner Of Heaven), too in the Limited Series category. All of them are typically movie stars, not TV actors.

Anyway, back to the episode, I really liked the origin stuff and how it ended with Steven dying was sad as I liked him more than Marc tbh, but I think that was sort of the point. If we felt nothing when he died, then it means they did their jobs wrong.

I also feel like while Steven being gone may have balanced the scales temporarily, Marc is always going to be a little out of sorts and I think this lets Marc sort of settle and just sort of be Moon Knight after this series is over, but it also leaves rooms for the balance to shift again and Jake Lockley to enter the picture.
I've enjoyed it so far, but it's moving a bit too slowly.
See, I don't mind this. This is a more of a long-form Moon Knight Origin more or less where he will likely learn to harness the powers without Khonshu. What I like about a lot of these Disney+ shows is it allows us to explore a lot of things we wouldn't get to see in a feature film and I don't mind there being less action.

This show sets up so that when we next see Marc, he'll we'll probably see a lot of action from the character since we've gotten the origin out of the way. I've said I have reason to think he'll be in Thor 4, but if he not there I think the next time we may see him is the Werewolf By Night halloween special? I gotta think it's possible he makes an appearance in Echo next year, too.
See, I don't mind this. This is a more of a long-form Moon Knight Origin more or less where he will likely learn to harness the powers without Khonshu. What I like about a lot of these Disney+ shows is it allows us to explore a lot of things we wouldn't get to see in a feature film and I don't mind there being less action.

I wouldn't mind it if we had 3 more episodes left - but we have 1; which means there's a pretty good chance of a bloated finale.
I wouldn't mind it if we had 3 more episodes left - but we have 1; which means there's a pretty good chance of a bloated finale.
I do agree that I think some of these seasons (probably most Marvel shows) could benefit from being 8 episodes instead of 6. The only Marvel show with more than 6 episodes in a season on the schedule right now is She-Hulk at 10 episodes, but the episodes will be shorter in length.
Really feel this show's going to get a second season here. It feels like Loki did, to where we're about to hit a climax that can't be resolved until the need of a second season.

Let there be no mistake: this is my favorite episode in the whole show. This episode might even cement it as my favorite episode for MCUTV outside of Episode 5 of Falcon and Wandavision's second to last episode.

This episode cements Oscar Issac as perhaps one of, if not, the best; actors in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for just how far he goes with Steven and Marc. The emotional journey we see the two take as they re-learn events, with the dark tones and themes; is absolutely fantastic. I am fully glad that they are also not doing Jake/Scotty fully, though they are seeming to tease them considering the cab that's been present.

Steven's death is also one of the most daring risks and I genuinely hope he stays dead. I would love to see what Marc now does, in trying to find peace in his own life, trying to figure out Scotty/Jake, to not lose those personalities as he did with Steven.

I can't wait to see where they cap off the story at for the moment, as this feels like a story that I can easily see a two-season pairing go for.
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Really feel this show's going to get a second season here. It feels like Loki did, to where we're about to hit a climax that can't be resolved until the need of a second season.

Let there be no mistake: this is my favorite episode in the whole show. This episode might even cement it as my favorite episode for MCUTV outside of Episode 5 of Falcon and Wandavision's second to last episode.

This episode cements Oscar Issac as perhaps one of, if not, the best; actors in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for just how far he goes with Steven and Marc. The emotional journey we see the two take as they re-learn events, with the dark tones and themes; is absolutely fantastic. I am fully glad that they are also not doing Jake/Scotty fully, though they are seeming to tease them considering the cab that's been present.

Steven's death is also one of the most daring risks and I genuinely hope he stays dead. I would love to see what Marc now does, in trying to find peace in his own life, trying to figure out Scotty/Jake, to not lose those personalities as he did with Steven.

I can't wait to see where they cap off the story at for the moment, as this feels like a story that I can easily see a two-season pairing go for.
I think it’d be nice and will possibly seem needed for a second season, but Disney has submitted the show to the Emmy’s under the Limited Series categories, which means that per the rules, a show has to tell a full and complete story to be nominated in the category. That means that they also don’t have intentions of bringing back the show. Big Little Lies did this dance and then renewed for a second season and that’s when the Emmy’s got more strict on the Limited Series category.

Also, Oscar Isaac was so freaking good in this episode that I legitimately forgot he was playing off himself most of the show. As one YouTuber put it, this episode should really be titled “FYC”, as this is pretty much Isaac’s for your consideration showcase for awards and specifically the Emmy's.
I mean....what can you say....its nice to see the MCU allow someone to try something they rarely made jokes this episode and thank god it allowed the darker parts to stick

Acting was on point and even if this show does not get a season 2...I hope we see Moonknight in something within the next year and maybe be in a show with Blade or somone as a team up
I mean....what can you say....its nice to see the MCU allow someone to try something they rarely made jokes this episode and thank god it allowed the darker parts to stick

Acting was on point and even if this show does not get a season 2...I hope we see Moonknight in something within the next year and maybe be in a show with Blade or somone as a team up
I'm thinking *maybe* he'll be in Werewolf at Night, but if not, I think it would be really cool if we maybe this all built up to an Avengers-type movie where we see the MCU's darker characters like Moon Knight, Blade, Daredevil, Deadpool, Black Knight, Werewolf at Knight, and maybe even Wanda leading them all with in a Civil War-esque battle against a depleted Avengers team. There's also Valentina's group of Dark Avengers - US Agent, Yelena, Abomination, etc.

Half of the original 6 are dead and none of the the newer characters in Phase 4 are official Avengers. Peter Parker doesn't exist as to them so not sure what that means for Spidey. Benedict has said that Strange isn't the leader of The Avengers because he isn't an Avenger and Wanda never really was an official Avenger, but she definitely won't get the invite after MoM.
I wish Noah Hawley was writing/directing this show.
I wish the two people who wrote this last episode had wrote the whole thing. I thought this was a GREAT episode from a writing and acting perspective, although the writing has not been consistent for sure. Noah Hawley has done great work with Fargo and in the superhero realm with Legion, but honestly, I thought Episode one of this series was very well written (by Jeremy Slater, who's writing the Finale) and i'm left a bit confused why he didn't write the whole show.

Could Hawley have made this show any better than it currently is? Probably a bit in the middle episodes so that the finale didn't have so much to wrap up. However, I kinda feel like the MCU is what is holding this show back more than anything. I would've loved to see an R-rated Moon Knight movie that was completely disconnected from the MCU.

With as much of a middling mess as the DCEU is, what they are doing right is things like Joker and The Batman, which are both their own things outside the DCEU. I wish Marvel would similarly create a division that is meant to be disconnected from the cinematic universe, but they could make more artsy or adult skewing films that the MCU would never do, but Marvel should be doing outside of the MCU because look at Deadpool. They want to squeeze him into the MCU where sure his movie will be R, but anything he does as a crossover will be PG-13 Deadpool.

Characters like that, Blade, Moon Knight, etc should have their own pocket universe to realize their true potential. The MCU is very restrictive and focused on pushing new and cool ideas, but they can only go so far with characters who historically in the comics have been known to be much more brutal so that the MCU remains family friendly and something that has four-quadrant appeal.
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Also I know this is kinda still phase one TV I kinda wish other projects could have seen this before making their story

I think while I love Falcon Show, this show could have shown them that maybe they could change some things....same with Hawkeye....I know many people liked that show but to me that thing felt so Generic MCU and especially compared to this
Having caught up with the series, as others have said, Ep 5. is flat-out great. And Oscar Issac is perfect casting as he's really shown his stuff on the characters he has to play, what Ep 5. dealt with is not an easy subject even for multiple people to take on, and he did all himself. That episode had several heavy beats to it, and I feel they landed them well.

I'm still really digging the series overall as well. It's pretty much an extended origin story, but I think it works well considering how complex the character is. Also, I can appreciate they've handled the portrayal of DID fairly well, too. Far better than others which can treat it like it's some sort of superpower.