I for one am excited. And strange as it may be, I am a theme park enthusiast, and I absolutely love Avatar. Seems like those two things rarely overlap on the venn diagram of people chatting on theme park forums these days.
So yea, Avatar is one of my favorite films of all time. I saw it 5 times in IMAX 3D. I'm one of
those people. I own 3 versions of it on Blu-ray, because they released it several times with different special features each time, including one with an extra half hour added (and that's
my favorite version.)
Not everyone loves Avatar. But super fans like me might pick up the slack. I'm sure those crazy people that paint themselves blue for comic con and wanted to
visit Pandora so bad they wished they dead (really hope those news stories were exaggerating,) those are the people that will travel across the world to visit this new land Harry Potter land style.
In either case, we're getting a new Disney dark boat ride, people. It should all be worth it for that!