He must be the hardest working Studio Tour guide because I manage to get him every time.
Good shots, by the way. What'd you think of the event in comparison to Florida?
I love the Hollywood event! I've been fortunate enough to attend the last couple of years and have been going to the Orlando event for the past 13 years straight. Really would of liked to go to HW again this year but it wasn't in the cards with the addition of our first child. I like to use this comparison between the two events.
Orlando Horror Nights is like a blockbuster horror movie with huge budgets, over the top facades, more special effects, and more theming within the haunts and streets. Hollywood on the other hand is like a B grade horror movie. Its budget isn't anywhere near the size so its facades, special effects, and house themings are not on the Orlando level. BUT! It makes up for those by being a scarier, more creative, and overall better event in terms of haunt execution. I've literally seen things Murdy is doing in Hollywood just straight copied here in Orlando the past two years lol. Speaking of him, man do I have respect for that man. He puts on one heck of an event. I find the Hollywood event to have more substance, more soul if you will. The houses, actors, effects, and themes just click in HW where in Orlando something usually falls short.
Take for example the Orlando and Hollywood versions of Silent Hill, The Thing, Alice Cooper, Ll Llorona, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and the Walking Dead. In all of these houses in Orlando the general consensus of most fans was blah at best. I mean I personally was beyond excited when I heard Ll Llorona and Alice Cooper were coming to Orlando. Both of them disappointed me to a certain degree compared to their HW counterparts. Silent Hill in Orlando was definetely the better looking house but man the HW one just crapped all over Orlando's. Just a superior haunt! As a matter of fact all these houses I listed were better in HW then they were in Orlando. So whats that say? Could HW do a better job with certain flagship haunts of the past like Body Collectors, Psychoscarapy, Scary Tales, or even American Werewolf in London??
Regardless though I love both events for very different reasons. I give credit to Murdy and his team as well as Aiello and his but most importantly all the actors who make the event come to life. Without them we have no horror nights.