What is not appropriate about being Gay? So its fine to say Men and Woman can get Married, but two Men or two woman is in appropriate?
You can't have your cake and ear it to, its either Perfectly fine to be gay or its not. By saying its not appropriate you are basically making kids more ignorant because you have an issue with it and at this point only if you are religious do you have any claim on it being "bad" and since separation of Church and state I see no issues with kids in a public school learning about two people being Gay.
Here is an example if a kid asked what being gay is, "Its when two people love each other and its not of the opposite sex" how the hell could anyone find that wrong to teach a kid at any age?
I know
@Nick has already asked we get back on topic, but I feel like this needs a response
Where did I say it wasn't appropriate to be gay?
Regarding orientation that's not really a discussion for a teacher to have with a student, especially 3rd grade or younger, be it heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, whatever sexual
The teacher need only say "that's a question for your parents".
The most important thing kids need to know in Kindergarten is their ABCs and when snack time is
The delusion here is that we are kept from some grander Utopia until the village is allowed to raise the child, and we'll use corporations like Disney to do it.
Parents, religious or not, aren't going to take it.
You know I wish some crusty teacher would have asked me at a young age about my sexual orientation so I could have seen my parents beat someone's a**
I demand this thread be licked immediately