Why not both!? Honestly, Pets does NOT need to be a huge 10min long ride. The movie was a terrible animated Homeward Bound wannabe. And somehow a deleted scene from Sausage Party found its way into the movie. I'd say a "land" is probably more likely.
Here's the problem... half their films are DM. Literally. The other 4- PETS, Lorax, Sing & HOP. Soon the unnecessary trainwreck Grinch film. 3 of the existing films are getting a sequel
DreamWorks has better variety (and films). It gets a 4D theatre... woo.
It really is a shame Universal can't buy Laika because their 4 films are far superior & underrated compared to Illumination. (And I'm not even a fan of Coraline, my allegiance is ParaNorman :exclap
. Easily 4 great rides/realms to be tapped. :'(