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Six Flags Magic Mountain

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Anyone else hearing the Golden Bear Project being delayed/ reworked?

It’s been so quiet around the park…zero rumors, no leaks, no talk, which is unusual. I suspect it will remain that way until the merger is finalized.

Surprisingly, once the new guys take over, they have completely say over the direction of all the parks, effective almost immediately. So hang on to your hats. It’s about to get very interesting!
I was initially hopeful for this merger, but the way CF has been running Knott's lately, I'm not exactly holding my breath for better operations. Perhaps better overall park maintenance, I'll give CF that.

I'm really curious how APs/Season Passes/Memberships will all shake down, as well as haunts/Fright Fest. I've been grandfathered in as a Diamond Elite VIP, and I've been trying to make the most out of my benefits now, because I fear they are not long for this world

No. Because nothing has been announced for it to be delayed or reworked.

Oh, come now. I'll give you that no specifics have been announced, but there's a large poster on the construction walls with a new logo of a mechanical bird and the words, "Epic Thrills are cycling in." Obviously something has been teased.
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So you're saying they had no plan when they closed it? And that they are not reworking the plan that they didn't have?
Not saying that. But what plan has been announced that it would be delayed. Yeah they put a wall up saying new Epic Thrills coming or whatever. Doesn't mean anything. But how can something be delayed or reworked if nothing was announced?
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Not saying that. But what plan has been announced that it would be delayed. Yeah they put a wall up saying new Epic Thrills coming or whatever. Doesn't mean anything. But how can something be delayed or reworked if nothing was announced?

Come on, don't be dense. They absolutely had plans for the area, which is why they spent money to tear down the theater. They now appear to be rethinking whatever that initial plan was - which has led to a delay.
Not saying that. But what plan has been announced that it would be delayed. Yeah they put a wall up saying new Epic Thrills coming or whatever. Doesn't mean anything. But how can something be delayed or reworked if nothing was announced?
you seem to like being a contrarian lol. You do not demolish something like they did and do all of that work (and pay people all of that $$ to do it) for it to sit empty
Are we speaking of the same park here? Didn’t Psyclone Bay sit for months after it was demolished? Same with DC Universe? I’m not saying that changes aren’t being made behind the scenes, but I wouldn’t base that on a sitting plot of land. That is par for the course for Magic Mountain.

How long did it take before work began on the solar panels ? That’s one of the biggest changes I’m looking forward with this merger. Cedar Fair doesn’t mess around when it comes to construction timelines. They will heavily fine companies when they don’t make deadlines…and then black list them lol.
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Are we speaking of the same park here? Didn’t Psyclone Bay sit for months after it was demolished? Same with DC Universe? I’m not saying that changes aren’t being made behind the scenes, but I wouldn’t base that on a sitting plot of land. That is par for the course for Magic Mountain.

How long did it take before work began on the solar panels ? lol
but those did not have advertising on the construction wall essentially saying something new is coming,,,
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you seem to like being a contrarian lol. You do not demolish something like they did and do all of that work (and pay people all of that $$ to do it) for it to sit empty
lol. Not at all. What I’m asking is if nothing has been announced, then what has been delayed or reworked? It is a very simple question. Plus other things have been demolished at theme parks, and nothing ever replaces it.
lol. Not at all. What I’m asking is if nothing has been announced, then what has been delayed or reworked? It is a very simple question. Plus other things have been demolished at theme parks, and nothing ever replaces it.
Because these things are planned out long before it’s announced to the public. Hence why people go digging for permits that they are required to file with the city.

We saw this with wonderwomen.

We new about that ride long before they announced it (and was Delayed due to COVID)
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Because these things are planned out long before it’s announced to the public. Hence why people go digging for permits that they are required to file with the city.

We saw this with wonderwomen.

We new about that ride long before they announced it (and was Delayed due to COVID)
Agreed again. And have we seen any permits or anything yet? No. My question is why did they leave the concrete where the seats used to be. I’m going with the theory that a new theater is being built. And if I’m wrong, I am enough to admit it.
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How do you know it'll be a new theater? Have you seen permits for it? Was there an announcement? I don't think so. ;)

While I haven't seen anything, I doubt it'll be another theater. They already have one (Gearworks) that sits vacant most of the year. No sense in having two theaters vacant most of the year.

And while I'm not a contractor, I can imagine either: removing all that concrete is a separate job, and/or they may have a way to repurpose them into whatever it is they're planning to build.

Since I'm throwing out ideas with no substance, I had my own thought (backed up by very little, but I still find interesting)... but it could be cool if the old Laughing Dragon/Four Winds Steakhouse building that's still sitting unused at the top of the hill, far above this site, could become a queue or station for a new attraction. Highly unlikely, I know (it is a bit far off from the Golden Bear plaza), but not necessarily impossible depending on what was going in. We do know for a fact that there were construction marks that did appear on the pavement all around the building many months ago.
How do you know it'll be a new theater? Have you seen permits for it? Was there an announcement? I don't think so. ;)

While I haven't seen anything, I doubt it'll be another theater. They already have one (Gearworks) that sits vacant most of the year. No sense in having two theaters vacant most of the year.

And while I'm not a contractor, I can imagine either: removing all that concrete is a separate job, and/or they may have a way to repurpose them into whatever it is they're planning to build.

Since I'm throwing out ideas with no substance, I had my own thought (backed up by very little, but I still find interesting)... but it could be cool if the old Laughing Dragon/Four Winds Steakhouse building that's still sitting unused at the top of the hill, far above this site, could become a queue or station for a new attraction. Highly unlikely, I know (it is a bit far off from the Golden Bear plaza), but not necessarily impossible depending on what was going in. We do know for a fact that there were construction marks that did appear on the pavement all around the building many months ago.
Great response and agree with you. I don't know it will be a theater. Just my thought. Not saying you, but many keep posting it will be a roller coaster, but I don't go posting that a roller coaster is coming like it is fact and now it has been delayed. One person put that is a banner about EPic Thrills coming. And right next to that banner is the thrills coming that includes Scream Break, and other things. NOTHING about a roller coaster.
I kind of still feel you're splitting hairs, but to your credit, I think what makes the promise of "Epic Thrills Coming" not just be an event is both the odd mechanical bird logo (which seemingly does not tie into any known event), and the color scheme, which again does not match any known event.

Now, is it guaranteed to be a roller coaster? No. But this is a park whose main distinctive feature is their coasters, and the space they've cleared is enormous (as it also *seems* to include where monorail track was cleared all they way by Swashbuckler).

While I certainly may end up surprised, I can't think of a single event or flat ride or building that would require that much space. As they say, where there's smoke, there's likely a fire. What isn't known is the type, style, or maker. There is a surprising (and curious) absence of leaks and substantial rumors. A few things popped up ages ago (I seem to recall hypercoaster and motocycle coaster being the two leading ones), but nothing has been followed up on that I know of.

Still, to me, it seems pretty certain it will be a coaster of some kind. You're free to disagree, because, to your point, no one really knows for sure.