I had my initial "WTF?!" reaction while the insiders were balking, and here's what I recommend to the naysayers, this is what I did: just think about it. A nice, big think. (which the insiders no doubt long ago were able to do) Sit down, and stop thinking about why this wont happen, and realize that Disney in particularly has conditioned us to be skeptical at first.
Because Disney would never do this. But Universal isn't Disney, and Universal is thinking so outside the box here that we might as well rethink the way that theme park attractions are developed. Ironically, they're taking advantages of things that Disney actually has but is too dense to really take notice of.
That thing is: it doesn't matter what the ride is about, it matters if it's done well. Splash Mountain exists in three Disney parks, is hugely popular and is also based on a film that Disney wants nothing to do with, starting just around the time Splash opened. But guests don't care because it's a wonderful, fun ride. Guests won't care if SLoP was a flop, because if Creative manages to make a terrific family attraction, that should be enough to justify its existence. It's a win-win.
So Universal is going all in, and is ultimate proof of the current imbalance of USH management and what Comcast demands. UOR and Comcast seem to be more on the right page, for the life of me I can't understand why they can't send those people over to USH.