Yes... but keep in mind that's because of the fact we were in tight shots using a Television Camera.
In person, you're going to see it's a screen and you're going to see the edges. You obviously aren't going to see that when you're watching a TV clip through a camera that intentionally keeps that out. The further back you are the more screen edges and stage you'll see. So the closer you are, the more "immersive" it will feel.
So everyone ooing and ahhing- keep your expectations in check because all you saw was a carefully curated video.
That said, I think this show looks great and if the choreography is good; which it looks like it will be, I think we have a knockout on our hands.
An unfortunate detriment to it's success, specifically because its on the Studio's side, will be that it's yet another screen based attraction. T2 was also; but this one will likely have a bigger pull based on quality alone so it will be more obvious.
In summary, demolish Shrek.