F&F is the weakest attraction in the entire resort. Guests satisfaction ratings have proven this time and time again. The Universal social media team had even begun treating the attraction like a meme or ignoring it completely. They know something needs to be done and it is likely something will. At the same time, Universal is realizing the issues with their current ‘newer is better’ model in USF. They’re realizing that quality sells as is evident by IOA. IOA doesn’t care about the newest or shiniest IPs, but the ones that they know the people want to see.
After seeing this work at IOA, Universal is likely to change the direction of USF to fit this. This is evident by the monsters getting a full land at epic. These films are extremely old, many of them having come out in the 30s. Nevertheless they are still popular, not only because of the films, but because of universal interest. Somebody could have never watched a single movie and would still know who Frankenstein is. IPs that are able to sell this universal interest are becoming more and more appealing to universal, as well as legacy IPs. This is evident with the legacy store. Universal has begun to embrace its past and realize that the people still have interest in these classic, time-tested properties.
This is essentially the perfect storm. What’s something that’s of universal interest? Shark attacks. What’s a classic IP that has extremely high demand? Jaws. What’s an attraction that could replace the worst ride in the park with something bound to be universally liked while also providing a water ride? Captain Jake’s Amity Boat Tours V2. It sounds crazy, but nothing’s impossible. I might even dare say that it’s likely at this point. There were people who said that NWH could never happen and that bringing back old villains could never work. The fans still wanted it and pushed, and low and behold it became one of the most popular movies of all time. If demand is there, nothing is impossible.