I understand that viewpoint on Universal’s end completely, and to their credit a lot of the merch, especially Potter, is really great and actually adds to the area where it’s sold. But in the end, I’m not coming to buy merch, I’m here to experience great attractions. I’m sure Mummy doesn’t push a ton of merch relative to other properties, but it’s still one of the biggest reasons I keep coming back to the Studios. If you want people to keep coming back and spending their money on souvenirs, you’re going to need great attractions to keep them coming back and to avoid the parks feeling like shopping malls. BttF and Jaws can still be the basis for spectacular attractions. I would argue if the merch team puts the effort in they can easily outsell Mummy, F&F, MiB, and Transformers. As well as some of those franchises perform in the box office, do you see many people wearing merch for them in the park? I don’t, but I see Jaws and BttF consistently every time I visit.