Can’t stop, won’t stop.
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PS - you won’t solve this, I bet.
Okay, I've been away a few days and, of course,
@Legacy throws out 2 clues while I'm gone. I'm gonna try and tackle this one first. Now, I'm going to go off on a couple of tangents and have multiple answers here, but they will all be rooted in "work".
THEORY 1 INFO: This specific American Flag Pie image comes from a King Arthur website. I looked at about a hundred similar images, and none matched this - so I'm guessing Legacy picked this specific picture of an American Flag Pie for a reason. So I'm gonna focus on King Arthur here.
THEORY 1 GUESS: King Arthur's real name was Arthur Pendragon. Pendagron Game Studio is known for a horror board game called "Last Friday", which is a Friday the 13th related board game (actually looks really cool). Here is the site in case anyone wants to check it out (
Last Friday – EN Pendragon Game Studio). So, my guess in THIS scenario is a FRIDAY THE 13TH property. I don't think this is the answer though - the next one follows
@Legacy's modus operandi much more closely. This was the dot connecting that was most fun though.
@Legacy - being the sonofabitch we know he is

- knew that some of us would take the bait on the King Arthur website and run with that. He could have picked any of the hundreds of similar pies, but he picked that one specifically to throw us off. But the King Arthur connection is a red herring and has nothing to do with it. The clue is the clue. It's literally an American Pie - and that's the clue.
THEORY 2 GUESS: I feel this is my strongest guess. American Pie was released on July 9, 1999. Another movie released on that exact same date - July 9, 1999? Candyman 3: Day of the Dead. So, my guess in THIS scenario is CANDYMAN (and, no, this wasn't a result of already having this property in my head, I just followed the date clues).