Whilst merch (and deep fried Twinkie lol) sales are key, and yes, the older demographic spend more, you need to hook in the younger demographics too. This allows you to build brand loyalty, word of mouth sales, etc to ensure future revenue growth. I wager that’s what Universal is banking on with catering to the youth. They already know that the die hards will buy merch etc so don’t need to cater or market to that group. It’s how you expand the appeal to demographics not normally likely to buy into the brand which is what they want.
And totally agree it sucks. I feel like I was in the background of a live Facebook/instagram/snapchat feed lots of times before entering a house, and putting up with entitled little craps acting like children in an adult event last year. But I still go. Still love the event. Yes I grumble at some of the clientele but still have an awesome time. And as long as I can continue to go I will do.
As for losing custom yes that will happen, it’s natural. But If Universal can replace every 1 lost person with 2/3 people either able and willing to spend lots, or will do in future, then they’re still growing the event.