I'm quite fine some sort of return of the Terra Queen. Definitely a good original character for some merch, and there's a nice bit of possibilities for a house.
House-wise, I did see some people suggest a collage of all the houses of HHN 15. I can see the reasoning because of the whole interconnected story that year had, but I'm gonna' say I hope not with an asterisk. I'm not hoping for a collage of all the houses since I've mentioned it before, while the backstory of 15 was amazing...the house lineup was not the best in terms of execution. Body Collectors was the clear standout, followed by Demon Cantina, and then you got Terror Mines which was wildly decisive depending on who you were with and who got the helmet. Everything else was so-so to straight-up BAD.
The asterisk in this statement is I wouldn't mind a collage of 15...if they were selective on what to include. Blood Thunder Alley with Demon Cantina, Cemetery Mines since we could go for a return of the KNUCKLEGRUNTS. Throw in the Blood Pits and Body Collectors, perhaps bookend the house with Terra Guard Run and the Terra Throne (with a dash of Eel-Mouth), and I think you've got something. You could squeeze in the Skool if you twist it up and have the kids in masks this time. Blood Ruins, Where Evil Hides and Cold, Blind, Terror could be skipped entirely. In fact, I don't recall how the latter two even connected to the whole backstory.