Almost forgot Vanity as well, I mean there has to be some opening for them to do it, I mean nows not the time, maybe if the game gets another anniversary or something, maybe it'll have its foot in the door but at the time, they have other things they know they need to bring to the event for sure. Last Of Us is a good game and I would love to see them bring the event and but also hopefully they bring in the characters as well for the game like RE did with Leon and so forth, the house would be killer, I remember going into the RE house back at 23 and when we arrived to the put with Nemesis, I literally lost it with excitement, I was so happy to see him in the house, so I would honestly love Universal to tackle maybe a scarezone like Japan did with the game, put it in New York and put the screen effects on the building of raccoon city on fire and stuff, it'd be cool, simple and maybe a bit generic but it would fit honestly.