I usually enjoy and agree with your posts, whilst I did enjoy this I do have to disagree to some extent.
The original mission statement by Walt was indeed to built his futuristic city. As we all know Walt passed on and his vision never came to fruition. Walts idea didn't die completely and his dream was kept alive in the incarnation we have today, kinda.
Anyways, although the original mission statement died with Walt, EPCOT did get a dedication plaque.
So even though I agree that the park doesn't follow Walt's vision of Epcot I still think they should stay true to the dedication, this is was made Epcot great and so different.
Yes it is a shame to see what has become of the place, especially future world, and I do agree that I would rather see it change that stagnate anymore, but not by unimaginatively shoe horning IP after IP into any nook and cranny of the place, especially when there's enough land there to hold all the ideas and plans they could possibly imagine
