The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 170 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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But remember, they're trying to recreate the scale of the books and movies...look at the size of Honeydunkes, it's rather small...

I am very curious about the size of the shops, particularly Olivanders. They seem rather small and I'm wondering what Universal is thinking regarding crowd control. I know that we've read that during peak times there may be queues to enter the shops, but...

Any ideas?
As a last resort i guess they could do get your ticket now come back at your time stuff kinda like disney's hold your place in the queue thing


Ahh ^^^ Thats google for you :mean:
We all know about Fastpass and Express Pass. Now Disney is experimenting with Virtual Queue and Show Pass. So will Universal have to introduce a Shop Pass?
the shops the first 2 months may get crazy but later on i think that they will slow down because not everyone cares about shops. Many people dont even know what they are. I know that if my parents went the wouldn't even enter. Do you think they are like the shops on main street ????
Spider-man's building is blatantly visible. So is Cat and the Hat. And Poseidon, and Mummy. Should I go on? And does it really matter about creating immersion when regardless there's going to be two B&M coasters towering over the land? With a view of a high school and a Hess Station on the lift hill I might add.

sorry man, They are NOT visible from the entrance for the experience.
Can you see them? yes. BUT not on the story line.

I am a theme park designer (albeit in japan)
but no, if possible, the rule is to hold and block all visible show building for the Guests view.
This is what they teach within the industry but of course all dreams are broken when
you are in reality.
My dreams got broken many times due to budget money problems
I understand for WWOHP, but if I was a Executive at WB? I would say something about my product and ask questions.

--- Update ---

What!?! The big light blue invisibility cloak not working for you? I don't really care. It is like being able to see the tracks during a flight of flying dragons. It is what it is. Sure I would love not to see it, but Uni has a habit of these kinds of things. There are several places in the park where the show buildings are quite obvious. Like just when you cross the bridge into the LC from Seuss you get a great view of the side of Posiden's show building.

yeah is not working for me. I expect more from UC at their biggest project they ever did in their lives.

I dont care about seeing the show building anywhere else from the park.

Visible from the Hog entrance???? oh man, no good.

actually I dont really care anymore, other just ranting here.
But I wonder what the meeting were like.
Who defended for the covering of the buildings and who just totally said, they dont need it.

It about common sense. totally shocker for me about UC. Which I respect it for a long time.

--- Update ---

Thanks, Teebin. Now you're just making me depressed for pursuing a career in the theme park industry.

I suppose it's not too late to go back to video game design lol.

Either way, I refuse to move to frakking California.

haha, I am going to say to you what my boss said to me.
If you want to pursue a career in theme parks,
be prepare to have your dream broken! hehe

--- Update ---

Cat and the Hat has a huge murel. Spiderman blends in because it is super hero city. The rest of course you can see:(
I wish the Oriental Company was financing the World of Harry Potter. they never trim down just look at DisneySea.

excatly. But lets dont talk about OLC. all they do is have money. Other than that, it is a pretty lame company (as I worked with them before)
OLC without Disney lilcense on their hands. IS NOTHING.
They just know how to run a park for Japanese in JAPAN. They would be crap outside of Japan for the method they conduct business,

Back to Topic

--- Update ---

ugh, i just wanna ride this thing already. Hopefully by some small miracle it will be open tomorrow morning, I'll be there for a short amount of time. I wish I understood how parks like Tokyo DisneySea do it. I mean just for instance look at thier Tower of Terror, Its freakin huge! For now good reason! The ride time is something like 2 minutes and they spent millions to theme the crap out of it, from what I've seen of the park, it looks like my dreams come true. And for once this Wizarding World looked as tho it would be a taste of the same kinda thing, a dream come true. I really really don't want to be dissapointed by Journey. Blah blah blah i'm just rambaling/venting... we'll see what happens.

not really anything yo.

It is so simple, i nearly was shocked when I learned it.

They have MONEY. and they never complains to the Imagineers for what they do and leave them be.

So why they have money? Because cultrally Japanese people love spending that is why
they have the budget to pay for the dream projects.

US, never. Is a different country, it just doesnt work.
That is why DisneySea went to Tokyo instead of its original home in Long Beach Cali.
Im kinda sad. Uni please cover the building. (ask Oprah to donate 500,000 dollars, she might do it)

heheh, good idea.

Nah, I am just ranting. I dont really care.
A done product is a done product.

My problem now, is more on the "WHAT WAS ON THE DESIGNERS AND PRODUCERS MIND" when this crap happened.

Anyone, absolutely ANYONE who works in the CREATIVE and ARTISTIC INDUSTRIES
we all have common senses and sensiblities and of course differences.

But what happened? (like a movie that bombed, ie Clash of the Titans)

something happened during those executive meetings that messed up the Designers in their quest to cover the show building.

I refuse to belive ANY designer would design the way it is NOW during their BlueSky time.
You dont just draw and then, discovered that you didnt cover the building.

I am just guessing some monetary executive told Mark Woodbury, nah, no money,
and Woodbury just said, alright, nothing we can do.

Then, All designers and producers "AHH man, really?? the show building is going to be visible??? come on man! let us do someting about it"

Then, another producer would say, "but nah, we will never make it on time to open and on budget, too many politics, if we mess up this time"

Then everyone else just shut their mouth and feel sad inside.
And probably said to themselves "IF ONLY OPRAH gave us some money...." man, ELLEN can give them money! she is rich now since she is on American Idol!!

graahh!!! I hate upper management with no creative senses!!!
(please dont defend the executives, because it is like defending for Wall Street"

--- Update ---

change of small SUBJECT

Whats up with Moaning Myrtle???!

reports says she is there IN THE BATHROOM

do you think is a fake bathroom in the queue of FJ

Or a sound effect in the real Bathroom of Hogsmead?

Plus, I wonder if the real bathroom are themed.

YOU KNOW, old woody style or completely 2010 brand new toilets?!?!!!?!
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that is rather sad that because of money Universal had to cut back on FJ... oh well at least it was done before we rode it and we will never know exactly what was more awesome before the cut. I still say it will be the way we were talking about it like last month and stuff. Those ideas were scrapped so long ago that we probably never (or at least for a while) talked about it. Ok now I feel like Im rambling...

The three broomsticks pictures are way way too bright to be the real thing haha! Its not even about size in my opinion because we were told a while ago (I cant remember if it was an article here or on a fansite- not those recent report things) that everything was built to size and realistic. I mean look at the store front pictures, they look as though only like twenty at a time will go in haha... which means chaos haha. I know how many seats three brooms will have the ability for but I can not share with you all but Ill say that it is probably not that big. I really want to know about crowd control though because everything is soooo small and they already have well over normal vacation bookings for may and on haha.
Call me an optomist, but I can see them not only closing th park gate due to capacity, but having a queue to get into hogsmeade. I believe Universal is just now getting a clue to what they have wrought. Universal has tapped into something like they have NEVER had to deal with before.
Call me an optomist, but I can see them not only closing th park gate due to capacity, but having a queue to get into hogsmeade. I believe Universal is just now getting a clue to what they have wrought. Universal has tapped into something like they have NEVER had to deal with before.

oh man, that is going to be crazy......
when all HELL breaks lose at IOA....
Call me an optomist, but I can see them not only closing th park gate due to capacity, but having a queue to get into hogsmeade. I believe Universal is just now getting a clue to what they have wrought. Universal has tapped into something like they have NEVER had to deal with before.

Wow. I really hope Uni has better plans for crowd control or things are bigger than we think they are because honestly that sounds perfectly horrible. A queue to get into the island to queue for shops or queue for food or queue for rides....? Awful!

This is exactly why I try to only visit parks at non-peak times.

--- Update ---

I'm gonna agree with Disneyhead. That's why they will keep the temporary bridge in play. Not for people who don't care about the WWOHP but also for the sake of having a walk-around when that section of the park is full and people don't wanna wait to get in.

Anyways, I'm going to be in Orlando June 19-26 so I'm sure the place will be packed. How early do the parking decks open up in the morning? I would like to get there as early as possible so that when IOA opens up, I can avoid the midday crowd at the WWOHP.