The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 168 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Ive been following this thread for a few months and I am very excited about The WWOHP.
That is deff a movie set of the three broomsticks.
Universal tends to stick to more cafeteria styled resturants.
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Ive been following this thread for a few months and I am very excited about The WWOHP.
That is deff a movie set of the three broomsticks.
Universal tends to stick to more cafeteria styled resturants.

Welcome to the forums!

--- Update ---

OMG I said Retarded !!!! No Offense =). :p

None taken, dude. I believe you're right about it being a movie set.
Orlando Park News has updated their site with new pics of IOA!!!

The Grad Bash pics really take me back to when I was a senior. My graduating class chose that over Grad Nite and I'm glad we did. Twas a really chaotic atmosphere (What do you expect from a bunch of 17-18 yr olds?) but it was a blast nonthless, memories I will never forget. OH, and I got to see Akon perform Live!!! Man, Good Times.
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Well, I was sitting in my office today... and a snake called a Southern Black Racer was squirming up my window sill outside.

Example of a 3 foot southern black racer (not mine and that is not me):

He then proceeded to squirm behind one of my shutters and I thought WTF? He was about 4 feet long. Well soon enough, he retracted with a poor tree frog in his jaws and proceeded to gulp the sucker down ever slowly. Well, I thought, ain't nature harsh yet grand. I went back to my computer to continue working. About 15 minutes later there was a tapping at the glass on my window. It was the same now satisfied Racer snake.

So, I cracked open the window.... and Mr. Racer snake began telling me about news passed to him from within Slytherin that had been passed to him regarding the WW and the FJ. The info was a surprise and yet concerning to say the least. I will be back and tell you what Mr Racer told me in a few...
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My computer is too slow. Those pics on Orlando Theme Park News are taking forever to load.

Oh, I can't wait to hear what the Southern Black Racer told you Teebin!
Mr and Mrs Crane are too busy with their growing child... didn't want to bother them nor do the appear to have anything thing else to offer...

On another note... I don't know Parseltongue and am having the hardest time deciphering from the books that I have. It is sounding like juicy news however... Once I have a clearer understanding... I will post, yet it might be at my own peril.
sssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooook.... *spit* sssssssssliiinnnnnn kaaahhhhhh fwehhhhhhhhhhht taaaaaaaaaaaah slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak. *spit spit*


Ssssssorry... it wassss a long converssssssssation. Well is issssss devastating newssss.....sssah. So... the details of FJ were being finalized in late 2007. The so called blueprints were being engineered in early 2008. One major contractor created/engineered both the blueprints and was in charge of putting each scene or scenes out for bid to MANY MANY different companies country wide. Weeeeeeell, one MAJOR MAJOR component of FJ came back with quotes from all sub contractors at TWICE what Universal anticipated... WAY over their projected budget.

Bottom line... what had been designed and engineered in drawings was going to cost 2-3 times to create than what they expected. So Uni had it redrawn... reengineered to far less of what it was going to be... and running out of time... turned to an old stand by. (what company did disneyhead take numerous photos of a year ago that pleased many of us). So, the Big thing was "trimmed" down down down down...... down... to the point that it was able to be created for HALF the smallest quote.

Mr Snake finalized that this was not what was on the master plans created in the spring of 2008 and of which I have no knowledge :look: But it will be far from its originally designed and engineered greatness.

PS: Word is also out that the BIG Orlando company (disneyhead) have lost their shirts on this project... word is... they will not go under... but close. Pink slips are flying as I type this. Other themed contractors too are going under and firing staff all over the country if not from this project... from the lack of anything new. The economy has yet to stop dissolving business.
How is this disappointing? No one has ridden the ride yet! It could still be mind blowing for all we know.

This stuff's theme park commonness. Master plans don't always become what they started as. The FJ will still be a ride to remember and it will be better than Spider-Man.
sssssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooook.... *spit* sssssssssliiinnnnnn kaaahhhhhh fwehhhhhhhhhhht taaaaaaaaaaaah slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak. *spit spit*


Ssssssorry... it wassss a long converssssssssation. Well is issssss devastating newssss.....sssah. So... the details of FJ were being finalized in late 2007. The so called blueprints were being engineered in early 2008. One major contractor created/engineered both the blueprints and was in charge of putting each scene or scenes out for bid to MANY MANY different companies country wide. Weeeeeeell, one MAJOR MAJOR component of FJ came back with quotes from all sub contractors at TWICE what Universal anticipated... WAY over their projected budget.

Bottom line... what had been designed and engineered in drawings was going to cost 2-3 times to create than what they expected. So Uni had it redrawn... reengineered to far less of what it was going to be... and running out of time... turned to an old stand by. (what company did disneyhead take numerous photos of a year ago that pleased many of us). So, the Big thing was "trimmed" down down down down...... down... to the point that it was able to be created for HALF the smallest quote.

Mr Snake finalized that this was not what was on the master plans created in the spring of 2008 and of which I have no knowledge :look: But it will be far from its originally designed and engineered greatness.

PS: Word is also out that the BIG Orlando company (disneyhead) have lost their shirts on this project... word is... they will not go under... but close. Pink slips are flying as I type this. Other themed contractors too are going under and firing staff all over the country if not from this project... from the lack of anything new. The economy has yet to stop dissolving business.

Well this is just great a double whammy within ten minutes of each other. First the Jags take some guy projected to go in the second round at the number ten overall selection in the draft. I give up turn the tv off in disgust and then come on here and read this crap about being "trimmed down." :furious:
I'm a wee bit behind on posts, so pardon me if these have already been posted.


I dont think thats the actual Three broomsticks. Its way too small.

While this isn't Three Broomsticks in the park, it's very close...VERY close to what you will see.
How is this disappointing? No one has ridden the ride yet! It could still be mind blowing for all we know.

This stuff's theme park commonness. Master plans don't always become what they started as. The FJ will still be a ride to remember and it will be better than Spider-Man.

Agreed, JMAFF, great points...that was the most vague comment I've ever read. "Something is not as goos as the original plan" My secret source says WWoHP is going to be way bigger than Universal is saying and they added 3 new effects in Honeydukes this week...

...I even heard WB has been touring all week!

--- Update ---

How do YOU know Mr ???? You don't. Soo this is what you say ---While this isn't Three Broomsticks in the park, i think it's very close...VERY close to what you will see/

I don't need to say I think...I know.