The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 169 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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--- Update ---

I don't need to say I think...I know.

lets hope your right, if not your a liar........................................=)

--- Update ---


This used to be in the inside of the Enchanted Oak. I will suppose that its kind of the same size as the 3 broomsticks???


i would guess that these 2 pics are facing the same angle (the broomstick pic is facing a little to the right). And the doors in the back right of the Tavern are the ones that lead outside to the new deck.
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Because I work in the theme park industry, I totally understand
these kind of "situations"

but if "WB has been touring all week!" I am having a good feeling about someone to say something about
covering the show building.

Personally I dont care anymore about it, or about the budgetary problems.
But, from a world class theme park point of view.

No one ever breaks the rule of "block all show building from the views of the guests" in theme park industry.
(all expect for Soaring at Epcot)

And this is broken just on FJ.
Not that fact that this distract the guests from story-wise, the experience.

Show Building visible from Entrance
and Show Building visible from Greenhouse

funny thing is that if the Show Building is not covered but instead also covered in fake bricks (like the bottom half of the greenhouse area)
that would still work better than now.

What happened at those creative meetings, I dont get.
Someone must spoken up about it, and some dumbasses (usually the accounting department) will screw it up.

I just really want to know what went thru their heads and arguments during those meetings.

for a creative producer like Coup, he can not be 100% proud (because I belive him he is not a dumbass, if he had the power and money it would have been THE ORINGAl awesome plan) but he must know that he will lose some face within then industry,
imagining if he and some Imagineer buddies goes out for a drink, and ask
"Whats up with not covering the building man?"
Coup "No De Nero..." with a sad face.
I have a feeling that they will be using vines.


I know it takes a long time to grow but what can you do ?!
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Teebin, thats rediculous. If they have put all that money and effort into what we've already seen of Hogsmead and other things, I can't believe this info. Unless of course the major changes are just the fact that some of this ride will be projected video sections of this ride. If this ride is a big dissapointment, I'm moving to Japan where they know how to make awesome dark rides...
Yep... those previous pics of 3brooms were movie set shots, I promise... legit like wednesday. To Jmaff whom I respect. This wasn't chopping your toe off, it was cutting you in two parts and discarding one of those parts of you. Yet I agree with you ... this does happen. Disney is more notorious for chopping things yet not ruining many companies. Uni has been notorious for chopping little and pushing forward and yet destroying many small companies who overlooked their contractual obligations... in the fine fine fine print. It could be a book on the industry itself. That is why one company will survive... yet the rest may not.

Teebin, thats rediculous. If they have put all that money and effort into what we've already seen of Hogsmead and other things, I can't believe this info. Unless of course the major changes are just the fact that some of this ride will be projected video sections of this ride. If this ride is a big dissapointment, I'm moving to Japan where they know how to make awesome dark rides...

While you may question my fluffy comments on here... don't question my final posts. What I post are basically decorated fact. Your good luck... I cannot show you why I know it is the fact. But it is. Any oldies on here want to question my snake's info? It is legit like wednesday. And like JMaff said... it was obvious that it would happen. Yet... I was surprised at the details of the SEVERE cutbacks. Will it kill the show? I doubt it. Will it be slightly less of a show... maybe.

So... don't call me ridiculous. When I put a hard period on my end sentence. Call it fact of some kind. The entire last post was fact of some kind. Bad news... FJ is a ride asking for trouble... good news, Spiderman is a ride that continues to ask for trouble yet it rarely delivers trouble.
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No one ever breaks the rule of "block all show building from the views of the guests" in theme park industry.
(all expect for Soaring at Epcot)

Spider-man's building is blatantly visible. So is Cat and the Hat. And Poseidon, and Mummy. Should I go on? And does it really matter about creating immersion when regardless there's going to be two B&M coasters towering over the land? With a view of a high school and a Hess Station on the lift hill I might add.
Thanks, Teebin. Now you're just making me depressed for pursuing a career in the theme park industry.

I suppose it's not too late to go back to video game design lol.

Either way, I refuse to move to frakking California.
Cat and the Hat has a huge murel. Spiderman blends in because it is super hero city. The rest of course you can see:(
I wish the Oriental Company was financing the World of Harry Potter. they never trim down just look at DisneySea.
Spider-man's building is blatantly visible. So is Cat and the Hat. And Poseidon, and Mummy. Should I go on? And does it really matter about creating immersion when regardless there's going to be two B&M coasters towering over the land? With a view of a high school and a Hess Station on the lift hill I might add.

Ok, but they are not copying anything from a book or movie, the WWOHP is . The Haunted Mansion building in disney is HUGE and you cant see it at all from the entrance. It just looks like a mansion. On a rainy cloudy day the blue show building will stick out like a sore thumb.(unless they fix it )
Hmmmmmm, I think I understand what you're saying Teebin lol.

By the way, The Three Broomsticks has to be larger than the movie scale for consumer sake too lol. This is going to be a major dining area for the GP. They need as much room as they can get.
What!?! The big light blue invisibility cloak not working for you? I don't really care. It is like being able to see the tracks during a flight of flying dragons. It is what it is. Sure I would love not to see it, but Uni has a habit of these kinds of things. There are several places in the park where the show buildings are quite obvious. Like just when you cross the bridge into the LC from Seuss you get a great view of the side of Posiden's show building.
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Thanks, Teebin. Now you're just making me depressed for pursuing a career in the theme park industry.

I suppose it's not too late to go back to video game design lol.

Either way, I refuse to move to frakking California.

My friend is a stand up comedian and he's going to Cali after senior year to pursue it. After I'm done with college here in NY...I'm flying across to pursue a Hollywood acting career. My friend is pretty connected so that is a plus but that's beside the fact.

In short, if you really love something and want to do it...DOOOOO ITTTTT! :thumbs:
So is just one of the scenes scaled back, or the entire thing? Honestly it doesn't matter since we'll probably never know. But It would be nice if everything could be as broad as the imagination...of course in that respect every ride is "disappointing"

My care factor on visible show buildings is low. Honestly as long as the attraction delivers, It ain't no big deal. HOWEVER being able to tell your IN a warehouse is lame....which is fantasyland at disney and the express queue of E.T. when you walk through a door in the middle of a forest :)
yeah I sense some cuts were made from scene concepts we saw (or even a pic of a certain animal head). Sad but true some of these things are more than likely had a big price tag so the scene was axed or drastically changed on how they are going to do it. But oh well it should still be good so I'm just waiting for previews so I can get in there
Hmmmmmm, I think I understand what you're saying Teebin lol.

By the way, The Three Broomsticks has to be larger than the movie scale for consumer sake too lol. This is going to be a major dining area for the GP. They need as much room as they can get.

But remember, they're trying to recreate the scale of the books and movies...look at the size of Honeydunkes, it's rather small...
Well then, hopefully people are spread out reasonably with good amounts of people in all the destinations of Hogsmeade.

And Teebin was talking like Harry did in the Chamber of Secrets. I think he's talking about a Chamber of Secrets scene which will still exist but be scaled back.Not the whole ride. Hopefully the Basilisk is still awesome...if in the ride...
Usually I do not get extemely angry but......
By the way, great job so far Universal:)
ugh, i just wanna ride this thing already. Hopefully by some small miracle it will be open tomorrow morning, I'll be there for a short amount of time. I wish I understood how parks like Tokyo DisneySea do it. I mean just for instance look at thier Tower of Terror, Its freakin huge! For now good reason! The ride time is something like 2 minutes and they spent millions to theme the crap out of it, from what I've seen of the park, it looks like my dreams come true. And for once this Wizarding World looked as tho it would be a taste of the same kinda thing, a dream come true. I really really don't want to be dissapointed by Journey. Blah blah blah i'm just rambaling/venting... we'll see what happens.