The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 174 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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That's not so bad then. I was already assuming that we'd only have one branch really giving us a walloping. Multiple moving branches would've been epic, though. Do you know if this pruning is permanent or will the "myrtle" eventually be allowed to grow?
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BTW... I love waving at people for no reason... it just shows that I am a friendly guy.... :wave:

Some of you are old pals here... and I like to wave and say hi. Call me neighborly or corney....
So, what could "one component" and "major" cuts mean. I offered a clue earlier... and that was Crape Myrtle. If you are a southerner.... what do many do to their Crape Myrtle trees each late fall or winter? Disney does it to theirs and so does Universal and most of the resorts here. Search google and see what is the common practice.

Alright so I have 3 Crape Myrtles in my yard and I think your referring to cutting them back, at least thats what we do every fall/winter.

EDIT: I see everyone beat me to it! :bonk:
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That's not so bad then. I was already assuming that we'd only have one branch really giving us a walloping. Multiple moving branches would've been epic, though. Do you know if this pruning is permanent or will the "myrtle" eventually be allowed to grow?

When it comes to theme parks... what you get is what you get on opening. A theme park never gives you more a year later. Cuts, are cuts, are slashes.
Look at this crap!

It's simply awful. They never bothered with the rest of the city facade

haha, yep, those are so bad, I never count any stuff from WB and Six Flags for theme parks. those are the lower end of the industry.
Disney and Universal, and possible some SeaWorld. Thats it.

But nevertheless, UC should not sink that low to that crap level. If someone went crazy and painted some clouds on the blue area now of FJ, I will go mad, and ask, why do these people have their jobs?

--- Update ---

The mummy is one of the best AA's I've ever seen and considering i'm a film student who looks at this kind of stuff as i prefer physical effects to CGI... You got to understand that a themepark AA is going to be different than any other AA you see. They are constantly going to go down and they will get jerky over time. Less than every 30 seconds the mummy has to cycle. It TAKES A STEP out of an enclosure and looks like it pushes the door open. That is UBER impressive right there... Then on top of that it looks hollow... You cant see the inner workings though. Now im sure if you analyze it and ride it everytime you go of course you are going to notice some flaws, or see it running bad alot but to say that it's a sorry AA is pretty dumb. Atleast universal's Mummy is still working and they dont have to remove a piece of the existing structure to fix it due to poor design. Atleast it's possible to rehab the mummy.

Yeah, Imhotep was the most advance at the time outside of Disney Imagineering, made by that Technifex Company.

THe figure itself have no problems, like the one in USH version. Is good. But the mechanics of the one in Orlando, is because it JUMPS out, that breaks all the time.

HAVE ANYONE seen the version in Singapore?? My god, is horrible. It is like someone in China made it. It looks and moves like a carninal cheap AA.
(budget cut, I smell)

But I have faith that WWOHP will have advance robotics, but they will embrass themselves.

--- Update ---

No, this post of yours is a waste of our time. You might want to change your name to "Whino4evr".

hey did anyone noticed that one of the changes from the concept to what it is now, is the elevate sidewalk on th side of Three Broomsticks.

Even in the 3D walkthru, that side is elevated and there some little steps you take to go onto that elevated sidewalk.
NOW it is completly flat.
I think from that, was when I think I got the smell of budget cut in my nose.

Also, remember many of us discussed the "possible queue line" area for Ollivanders.
It seems in the concept arts and stuff, we could kinda tell,
but now in the completed area, I dont see the area, or it looks small.
I wonder how are they going to solve this problem, how are they going to divert the lines, I just cant see it without blocking the crowds from all sides.

Why are people's expectations falling here suddenly? I'm trying not to panic but I may soon enough lol. Universal is hyping this ride up past the breaking point on the scale...if they pull a TDK Coaster, (emotional shrug).

I'm sticking with my statement that FJ will blow my mind away even with my high expectations. If they don't deliver at least like they are saying...curses. Because I ACTUALLY BELIEVED TDK Coaster would be like Spider-Man out there in Orlando. I got off that ride, wanting to like it but thinking to myself, WHAT THE **** WAS THAT?! I even told my family the ride was awesome after we finished when they didn't like it...I was in denial.

Please Universal, I've been hyping this up in my mind since 2007. Please.
Well that make sense but something tells me with the amount of time we see the willow & how fast we will be going it will seem like everything is moving anyways.

OT: TDK was decent for a Six Flags ride. I was the 1st public rider at the version at Great America & considering the queue building used to be a theater at that one the themeing was good & I enjoyed the preshow (at least the 1st 10 times I saw it) The ride itself was simple enough with some fun elements so for a non thrill coaster I gave Six Flags some decent credit on it.
The queue was amazing!Especially for Six Flags as it reminded me of being in Orlando. I was disappointed with the ride itself.

I don't know if there's a diiference between the two but, the one at Great adventure is very fun for the first time.

Anyway, lets get back to potter talk. Another back to topic post! :lol:
Soo the students at gradbash definitely did recieve passes to return at a later time when the wizarding world is open. I had it confirmed with a friend. I wonder if she can give me her pass considering she isn't the biggest fan XD
It has been said that one element of the show has been scaled back, however if you weren't told, you would have never known. FJ is still amazing and you will walk away saying...I need to ride that again just to see everything I missed!

Please don't let your expectations fall just because you''re bored. Are the last 18 months of discussion forgotten? Just look how awesome Hogsmede looks!!!!

I know I'm not one of the "cool kids" on this page, but come on, can we please talk positive again. The set work on FJ is better than you will see on any ride at the current time. There is no greater detail on any ride, anywhere, regardless of one element being "pruned."
has anyone else realised the music on the officila website is now playing the officila hp themetune.. hedwigs theme I think... or has that been there for some time... :p
The set work on FJ is better than you will see on any ride at the current time. There is no greater detail on any ride, anywhere, regardless of one element being "pruned."

I agree. The few times I have gone into one of my "psychic trances" and "envisioned" said prop, there was more of it than there needed to be anyways. Way too much.

Although it was not my intention, I did kind of enjoy seeing a few of you get all Shakespearean on us, "Mediocrity now hangs on this Forbidden Journey like an untimely frost..."