The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 659 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Colleen, that is the kindest most thoughtful revelation of what was probably and hopefully true. It was just a bad day for the TM. Your attitude should inspire us all to be kind and look for understanding where it might be sometimes hard to find. I feel like I just went to church!

Wow, made me re-read some of my posts today. Maybe I do sound like I am preaching. I don't mean to. It's just how I feel. Then again I am relieved that our vacation went so well. You and a few other will remember I had a meltdown about my apprehensions of our trip about 4 months after I booked it. Everything seemed to be falling apart compared to how it was originally planned due to the advertisements. Had it not been for the helpful information I received in this forum I think I would have cried my eyes out at the entrance gate then let the days unfold as they will.

Colleen, I think every person who works in customer service would love to have you as their customer!

I've been meaning to ask for sometime...we've talkngn a lot about rides and Merch...but what is everyone's favorite window display??? Animated or not...

Everyone working with the public has my sympathies. The majority of those employees who deal with the public directly are not paid a fraction of what they must indure due to the public not understanding what they purchased or what was advertised. If I have a real problem where I believe I am right and the company is wrong I will take it up with management, where they are paid to listen to my complaint. I would never take it out on someone who is there to serve the public. They surely receive enough rude customers in their daily routine which they do not deserve as they do not make the rules.

My eldest daughter really enjoyed the musical instrument window as she plays the violin. Her second choice is the window with the Quiditch case and the missing piece. The conductor was strolling around the area and my daughter said "Hey, the ****** is missing." The conductor was leaning over the window behind her and said "always be on the look out that ******. It pops up everywhere." He also said he liked her 9 3/4 hat! My youngest just said the Quiditch window was her favorite for the same reason...the conductor told them to look out for that "certain" item.

I loved all the Zonkos and Honey Dukes windows....expecially the "hidden" Honey Dukes windows (two of them). Then there is the window inside the 3 Broomsticks which during a long line can make you want to sit down and my eldest daughter did. The interior of that window along side her and the back drop of the owlery, that was fantastic.
My eldest daughter really enjoyed the musical instrument window as she plays the violin. Her second choice is the window with the Quiditch case and the missing piece. The conductor was strolling around the area and my daughter said "Hey, the ****** is missing." The conductor was leaning over the window behind her and said "always be on the look out that ******. It pops up everywhere." He also said he liked her 9 3/4 hat! My youngest just said the Quiditch window was her favorite for the same reason...the conductor told them to look out for that "certain" item.

Do you mean (hilghlight to read) the snitch?

Teebin have you seen that confirmation of additions after DH?
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I haven't gone at opening time in a while, but I believe you'll probobly get in early. How early, I don't know. And I'd say if there is a line to enter it won't form until at least 30 minutes after GP gets let in, and even then it will be a 30 minute wait tops.

Alright well that helps I plan on being at the front gate at 8:30 AM, and will take plenty of pictures. Thanks for the info.

Hey, you may see me. All I need to know is how the wait times have been recently for anyone who has been.

I will be the dork with the red outlaw t-shirt taking pictures of things most people won't be. And is this your first trip to the WWoHP?
Colleen, that is the kindest most thoughtful revelation of what was probably and hopefully true. It was just a bad day for the TM. Your attitude should inspire us all to be kind and look for understanding where it might be sometimes hard to find. I feel like I just went to church!

Do you mean (hilghlight to read) the snitch?

Teebin have you seen that confirmation of additions after DH?

Yes, the highlight was exactly what was missing and they were told to look for which they DID! In a matter of minutes, when they took their eyes off of the window display they saw it once, then again in Zonkos and a few other places around IOA and EVEN one place in Universal Studios!!! Each time they saw it they said "Look out the ******!" It was a thrill that lasted thoughout our 4 days in the parks and they still giggle about it tonight!
Colleen, that is the kindest most thoughtful revelation of what was probably and hopefully true. It was just a bad day for the TM. Your attitude should inspire us all to be kind and look for understanding where it might be sometimes hard to find. I feel like I just went to church!

That is one of the things I love about WWoHP. It's toned down a bit now as compared to the softs/hotel previews, but the atmosphere is still there and I really enjoy it. I've always loved Uni/IOA's theming and have found it very underrated by the "No one does theming like Disney crowd," but the interactivity was largely missing. WWoHP ties together detail with TMs who complete creation of the "world."

As it has not been very long since our visit I imagine they are rotating the powerful TMs we encountered but they are STILL there in the WWOHP. Look for a Slythern tie on a girl named Kat with curly black hair and blue eyes. She is SOOOO in character! Heather at the Hippogriff, if she was graduated to something else I imagine she is fanaminal in that position as well. I cannot imagine the TMs we encountered are outside of the WWOHP as they MADE the area so REAL. The conductors, the wandkeepers and sooo, sooo many others. There is no better way to experience the WWOHP without the crew we saw in our 4 days. The crews did change out during our time there so we only saw Kat twice but didn't see any others more than once. Kat was outside at the entrance of FJ for our Preview the day before the Grand Opening but we did get to see her again inside when she made sure our harnesses were secured on the ride. She even remembered us even though it was just my son and I that time instead of all of us.
Colleen, I think every person who works in customer service would love to have you as their customer!

I've been meaning to ask for sometime...we've talkngn a lot about rides and Merch...but what is everyone's favorite window display??? Animated or not...
Gilderoy Lockhart...for some reason. I have no idea why, haha!
Kat was outside at the entrance of FJ for our Preview the day before the Grand Opening but we did get to see her again inside when she made sure our harnesses were secured on the ride. She even remembered us even though it was just my son and I that time instead of all of us.
Some of those TMs have amazing memories (or I just go to WWoHP way too much), as I've had some remember me from visit to visit. One at FJ was even helping me keep count one day when I was doing a ride marathon. I love the in-character comments they make too. For example, my husband was wearing a classic (and very loud) Dueling Dragons shirt, and one of the TMs said, "I like that shirt. Are you a dragon keeper?"

I think part of FJ's obnoxious wait times today was because it had some down time. Hopefully that won't be the case for those of you who are going tomorrow.
I agree that the TMs really MAKE the place a whole. The conductors and wandkeepers do it for me, which is a given. Nothing beats having the conductor stroll up to you in the Ollivander's line and start talking to your group about butterbeer and broom preferences! And my wandkeeper even paused on his way out (as we exited DC, he was heading up the exit to go backstage) to take a photo with me and kept himself completely in character as he told me to use my wand carefully to assure that I would do great things. Really excellent stuff. It made my day.

Also to whoever was trying to start an argument with me a few pages back, I was never trying to say that I was a rare exception to the "kid rule" and I am glad that you or your husband was selected. I think many may diss it until they are fortunate enough to experience it . It's a silly little show, but what they've created is phenomenal. But cynics will always hate it. Just shush and let others enjoy it!
Yes. The TMs are what completed the experience for me. The conductor was amazing. I think I was smiling all day after we had talked. He deserves a big raise, because he is incredible.
The line to get in is all the back into marvel . They are saying 2-3 hours to get into the land. Gonna have to skip it today heading over to the studios
I have a question, I'm not sure if any of you guys could answer it for me. I'm going to Universal next week (So excited) and I'm staying on-site. The Universal website mentioned something about hotel guests getting into WWOHP and hour earlier than park opening.

Does this get lost in the mix-up of the long lines to get into WWOHP as general admission? Or do they let you go in separately?
Does this get lost in the mix-up of the long lines to get into WWOHP as general admission? Or do they let you go in separately?

I believe it was said that they had some special line or system they have been using for hotel guests to get in an hour early with the large crowds.
question- when you enter the land, much like the other lands in IoA, is there HP theme music playing all around?
If so, is it the theme tune, or songs from the movie etc?

Thanksss =)
I have a question, I'm not sure if any of you guys could answer it for me. I'm going to Universal next week (So excited) and I'm staying on-site. The Universal website mentioned something about hotel guests getting into WWOHP and hour earlier than park opening.

Does this get lost in the mix-up of the long lines to get into WWOHP as general admission? Or do they let you go in separately?
Don't worry, you just flash your room key as you approach the turnstyles and you will be directed to the right area. That extra hotel hour is GOLDEN. We booked a room on the FL resident rates before GO and it was paradise compared to the insane crowds now.