The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 662 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I do want to mention that the team members at Forbidden Journey are the best. My restraints were soaked from previous rides and when I pulled down my harness I said "This thing is soaked." The TM that was checking my car said "It's raining down at the Quiddich pitch."
I do want to mention that the team members at Forbidden Journey are the best. My restraints were soaked from previous rides and when I pulled down my harness I said "This thing is soaked." The TM that was checking my car said "It's raining down at the Quiddich pitch."
I love their quick thinking! Makes the experience much more real.
Hello all. I've been a lurker for a little while now, getting ready for my trip next week. I've never been to Universal but can't resist WWOHP! All you frequent visitors- are the crowds better on a Tuesday or a Friday? I really want to get the best experience I can out of this, because the money's not going to be there to visit again for a long time!
Hello all. I've been a lurker for a little while now, getting ready for my trip next week. I've never been to Universal but can't resist WWOHP! All you frequent visitors- are the crowds better on a Tuesday or a Friday? I really want to get the best experience I can out of this, because the money's not going to be there to visit again for a long time!

Anytime this summer is going to be absolutely packed. However, I'm thinking you should go with Tuesday, seeing as local families are likely to have trips on Friday... But seeing as schools out, there's not a whole lot to do about crowds...
Wow, the crowd must really be dropping. FJ is now listed on the wait times as 45 mins. Might have to take a run over there tonight. Fish & chips, butterbeer and a ride or 2 sounds mighty good.
Nice report, Yeti :thumbs: It gave me an idea of what to expect on Saturday...except it will be a weekend *gulp*

The weekends have actually been softer than the weekdays. you might be in luck!!!

--- Update ---

To those in the know - when is Express going to be implemented for Forbidden Journey? Obviously not until the insane crowds die down of course, but once we're in consistent weeks of not having lines to enter the area, will it be installed? Or will we have another Rockit situation where the Express queue is there and ready to go but will remain shuttered? (It's now been over a year since Rockit opened still no Express... sigh...)

RockIt won't see Express until they have 7 vehicles on line. They don't have the through put yet.

FJ on the other hand is amazing and has a high ride reliability. The bean counters would love to do Express right now for the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. There hasn't been a date or time assigned yet, but it's looking like it will happen before RockIt :).

On another note...I was in the Magic Kingdom this weekend. After seeing Howarts, Cinderella's castle looks lame. I used to be so impresses by it, but now, it's got NOTHING on Hogwarts.
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On another note...I was in the Magic Kingdom this weekend. After seeing Howarts, Cinderella's castle looks lame. I used to be so impresses by it, but now, it's got NOTHING on Hogwarts.

Except for the fact that it is 50' taller and it is located on Walt Disney World property with which Orlando is synonymous. No one knows how long the sustain pedal will hold for HP. I would love nothing more than to see the mouse fall on one knee as a result of the WW. Just doubt it will ever happen.

But I am glad that you find the Hogwarts facade very impressive compared to the competition castle in this neck of the woods.
Yeah, we were barked at for sure. It didn't make sense; the queue outdoors in the boiling heat was very slow, yet there was no queue in the castle (or rather only a short queue by the loading). That was disappointing since they should have filled in the queue indoors so people had AC and could watch the scenes. Instead they shouted at us to keep moving and not to stop at all.

We went the day before GO for a 3 hr preview and the day of GO but they did "bark" at us to move along in the queue when we were in front of Dumbledore and in the room where we saw Ron, Harry and Hermione. During the Preview there was no line in front of us or behind us. The people coming in behind us passed us by as they didn't care there was a "show" going on and the "student" kept saying "Move Along! Keep the Line Moving!" I glanced back at him and smiled but we staid where we were as we wanted the Whole experience. Like SNOW melting on my nose!! I cannot say how much that thrilled me and my children! Those who rushed by didn't expeirence that or maybe they had previously.

On GO day we did the same thing but for a different reason. We wanted to watch Ron, Harry and Hermione because of a SLIP in the SCRIPT. Someone called someone by their Real name not their Character name, when we went through the first time. My second time I couldn't hear because the "student" was calling for us to move along in the line. We were not stopping the line and encouraged people to please pass us. Then we waited in the Common Room for a good while when FJ had a bit of a break down. I didn't even consider it a let down in the least that we had to wait nor did my children. Infact, we were very pleased to be sitting around IN the Common Room!!! I had my camera on me but we were so relaxed an feeling like it was very proper to hang out in the Commond Room that we forgot all about taking pictures. We did giggle a little about what if the wait was a bit long and someone needed to use the ..."facilities" and laughingly pointed to where the Room of Requirement would be.

Waiting while FJ had a little breakdown just completed the experience for us...afterall, waiting in line and chatting with people around you has always been part of the expierence with the Books and Movies. Why not the attraction as well. We always meet the most facinating and wonderful people at these events. JKR experiences are exactly that, an expierence.
I think google earth got updated. Now you can see most of hogsmead and the castle. It was not like that before, Im talking about the one that you download to your computer.
I'm pretty sure you can mail post cards and letters there stamped with the Hogsmeade exclusive emblem.

During our Preview the day before GO the post cards were sold in the Owlery/Dervish and Banges shop and it was hard pressed to get the post mark stamp due to the lines purchasing from Ollivanders, Dervish and Banges and the Owlery as there was the One Owlery register and the One inside Dervish and Bangs.

On the day of GO we saw an improvement, there were Two registers in Dervish and Bangs and they moved a table to sell items specifically for sending mail out to the Owlery where the tables were along with a register and an Adorable post box to slip your post cards in. At that time the limit of what you could purchase to write and send mail in the outside table were only post cards, mailing seals, a few pins and one veriety of stamps (Ministry of Magic).

I had asked to have the post cards I purchased stamped before I wrote them out but was told I would need to write them out first. BIG mistake. The stamp covered most of what I wrote at the top because I didn't know how much room to leave for the post mark. Really LOVELY postmark by the way! After my eldest daughter purchased her post cards she showed me so I did manage to make the last 2 of mine in a fashion where my writting wouldn't interfer with the post mark.

I would recommend that you have your post (which ever kind) post marked THEN write out the post card or envelope as it is not in the same place or the same size as the regular postmark.

I sent post cards to the children of my friends and wrote them as if they were from Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron or one of the Professors. The children who received them were Estatic!! "Mom" or "Grandma"!! "I got a Letter from Hogwarts!!! Harry Potter said for me to keep reading to you and to come visit Hogsmead when we can get away!!" I was really disapointed they did not have the stationary like the Owl Posts that Harry received in the movies but I did buy the seals and wax sets. I thought the kids would be so excited to receive a letter like that. I had no idea they would react the same way with a Post Card! For now, since stocked items are an issue I would either purchase the stationary at the UO on line store or from your local craft/stationary store just incase. I would have LOVED to send my own children (who were actually there with me) a letter Just Like Harry received! Actually, with the stocking of merchandise issue I would purchase the sealing wax with the house symbols prior to going to the park just to make sure you have before your trip, if you have the time.

Do NOT under-estimate the Non-Potter fans attaction to the Post Mark and Stamps. The weekend of GO was Father's Day weekend and my Dad had never watched the movies or read the books. When I told him I didn't know how long it would take his cards to reach him from Florida the first thing he said was "Did you get it post marked at the Owlery?!" He was VERY excited about this! At that moment I couldn't believe it never occured to me to mail it from the Owler. I put reguarl stamps on the cards and put it in the regular mail box at the front of IOA. It never occured to me that he knew about the Owlery, the post marks, the stamps or that he would be so thrilled about it!! I put his cards in the IOA mail box first thing that morning, there was no getting them back.
We went the day before GO for a 3 hr preview and the day of GO but they did "bark" at us to move along in the queue when we were in front of Dumbledore and in the room where we saw Ron, Harry and Hermione.

This "move along" crap must cease. We now have TWO LIES from UNIVERSAL ORLANDO RESORT. Everyone will get to have their wand chose them and everyone will be able to take their time in the cue and enjoy the surroundings.

Oh well, word will get out about this and they will self correct soon I hope... Otherwise... if you think I have posted a few riddles Universal does not like...