The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 731 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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IOA values The Lost Continent as much as all the other lands in IOA.

You see, this is why I can't take your side that seriously, because it just seems to me like you guys are almost ignoring reality. Really, IoA values Lost Continent so much, that they sacrificed its biggest attraction for a new land? The medieval section was always the most important. They cut out LC's heart and fed it to Potter! :lol:
You are really trying to say that LC is relevant to this company, compared to HP??? They are a company. They. Want. Money.
Potter. Makes. Money.
They practically have Potter tinted glasses right now!

Right now, WWoHp is this crowded because it's new, it's the holidays, it's Harry Potter.

When Simpsons was new, during the holidays, did people line up in on the other side of the park to ride it? How about Mummy? How about Islands of Adventure itself? :lol:
You said it yourself, the crowd is there for Harry Potter. The franchise itself is the draw, so now we're back to the argument, will the franchise remain popular. I say yes, others say no, we'll see.

There has never been a Phase 2 expansion on anything because of crowds, money, or popularity so why would they start now? They aren't.

Let's all reread these articles from the Orlando Sentinel, OK?

Wizarding World of Harry Potter powers Universal Orlando to record results
October 15, 2010|By Jason Garcia, Orlando Sentinel

Powered by its hugely popular Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Universal Orlando on Friday posted the best quarterly results in its 20-year history.

Attendance at Orlando's No. 2 theme-park resort soared 36 percent in the third quarter when compared with the same period last year, climbing by 1 million visitors to 3.7 million.

It is the highest quarterly attendance Universal has reported since Universal Studios Florida opened in 1990. And it is the biggest year-over-year percentage gain at the resort since its second park, Islands of Adventure, debuted in 1999.

The results confirmed what most of the theme-park industry already suspected: Universal is reaping a financial windfall from Wizarding World, its collection of rides, shops and eateries themed around the phenomenally popular Harry Potter franchise. The $200 million-plus addition opened June 18 in Islands of Adventure.

Universal's quarterly revenue rocketed 62 percent to $364 million, fueled by ticket sales and enormous demand for Potter-themed merchandise ranging from mugs of butterbeer to magic wands and Hogwarts school robes. Wizarding World's popularity allowed Universal to raise ticket and parking prices in the middle of the quarter, boosting revenue further.

The resort's operating profit more than doubled, from $61 million a year ago to $127 million during the three-month period that ended Sept. 26. Net profit nearly tripled, from $37 million to $97 million.

"We are seeing tremendous excitement for everything Universal Orlando Resort has to offer," Bill Davis, president of Universal Orlando, said in a prepared statement. "We're happy for what the Wizarding World of Harry Potter has done for our business and for all of the Central Florida tourism community."

Potter, along with a new King Kong attraction at Universal Studios Hollywood in California, also propelled Universal Parks & Resorts to its best-yet quarterly performance, according to executives at parent company General Electric Co.

Duncan Dickson, a professor of theme-park management in the University of Central Florida's Rosen College of Hospitality Management, said the results at Universal Orlando demonstrate the brand strength of Harry Potter, the boy wizard created by British author J.K. Rowling. The Harry Potter books have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and have inspired the highest-grossing movie series of all time.


Souvenir sales double at Universal thanks to magic wands, other Potter fare
November 05, 2010|By Jason Garcia, Orlando Sentinel
Magic wands, golden snitches and Hogwarts school robes are flying off the shelves so fast at Universal Orlando that the resort's souvenir sales have doubled from a year ago.

The merchandise sales figures are contained in a new securities document Universal filed Friday that offers a closer look at the dramatic turnaround the resort has engineered since the June 18 opening of the hugely popular Wizarding World of Harry Potter in its Islands of Adventure theme park.

Universal set all-time quarterly records in attendance, operating revenue, operating profit and net profit during its fiscal third quarter, which ended Sept. 26.

The biggest gains came from Potter souvenir sales, as Universal's merchandise revenue skyrocketed 104 percent from a year ago to $48.7 million. Universal says it has created more than 600 unique products for sale in Wizarding World based on the fanciful items found Harry Potter's magical world.

Sales of food and drinks, similarly fueled by Potter fare such as butterbeer, leapt 59 percent to $43.4 million. Ticket revenue also rose 59 percent, to $190.3 million, thanks to a 36 percent attendance gain and multiple price increases made possible by Potter's popularity.

So can we please stop trying to compare WWoHP to any other land or expansion in the history of Orlando theme parks? What precedent is there for this?
Like I said. I know that WWoHP is poppin' right now. It's making lots of money, I've read those articles before. But WHY on EARTH would Universal be stupid as to go and make it bigger. They won't, and they aren't. They're making plenty of money. They're a company, yes, but they aren't getting rid of Lost Continent. They aren't. It's staying. And until this big expansion that all of you crazy harry potter fans (though I am a huge one myself) say is coming here soon is announced and built, then I am completely convinced it's not happening.
^That's like saying you caught a big fish so why should you keep on fishing?

Because you already have enough to feed your family and you don't want to waste more energy doing the same thing in a hostile environment when you could be putting you efforts toward other goals, because you already have that big fish.
Thank you mantaguy. IOA doesn't need to expand something that doesn't need to be. They need to touch up the rest of the park, and give attention to all the other lands. That way IOA will be known for how nice and fun it is, not just for Harry Potter.
Because you already have enough to feed your family and you don't want to waste more energy doing the same thing in a hostile environment when you could be putting you efforts toward other goals, because you already have that big fish.

LOL wow this is just crazy talk!
You may not have heard this before, but let me break it to you - Universal. Is. A. Company.
They just don't think like this! They are going to continue to do what works (i.e. makes them money). If WWoHP is going to raise all their profits by this much, they're not going to be happy with that, they're going to want more! They're going to want to see how far they can take it.
Like Universal's going to say "Yeah we've made enough money off Potter already, we don't need anymore, we should just take it slow, focus on balance rather than outright profit for now. Slow and steady...Mmmhmm.."

Your point of view just mystifies me. :p

... But maybe that's the last fish in the pond, and you know that the forest is stock full of game and yummy plants that are way easier to catch.

Or maybe there are more fish in the pond and only lizards and rabbits in the forest!
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LOL wow this is just crazy talk!
You may not have heard this before, but let me break it to you - Universal. Is. A. Company.
They just don't think like this! They are going to continue to do what works (i.e. makes them money). If WWoHP is going to raise all their profits by this much, they're not going to be happy with that, they're going to want more! They're going to want to see how far they can take it.
Like Universal's going to say "Yeah we've made enough money off Potter already, we don't need anymore, we should just take it slow, focus on balance rather than outright profit for now. Slow and steady...Mmmhmm.."

Your point of view just mystifies me. :p

I can say the same about yours. Yes, Uni is a company. That is obvious and we get it. However, Universal will, if they are smart, take it slow. They will sit for a while and let HP make money, then they will start the process over. They will make a large expansion elswhere in the resort, with another franchise. Just in case you didn't know, if you take it to the limit, you have a big chance of falling over the edge. Spend all your money right away and you are sure to fail. Slow and steady really does win the race. Disney has proven that. They leave things as is for a while, then expand HUGE. It may not always be what the locals theme park fans want, but it's what makes them more money in the long run.
Because you already have enough to feed your family and you don't want to waste more energy doing the same thing in a hostile environment when you could be putting you efforts toward other goals, because you already have that big fish.

are you serious????? We live in America. :) People always get more of what they want or need. Anyways, maybe next summer they will announce part 2.
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Or maybe there are more fish in the pond and only lizards and rabbits in the forest!

Actually, pond populations tend to disappear much more easily than forest populations.

--- Update ---

are you serious????? We live in America. People always get more of what they want or need. Anyways, maybe next summer they will announce part 2.

In the words of Albus Dumbledore: Humans have a knack for choosing that which is the worst for them.
Get into financial reality, they have not even paid back the original investment for WWoHP yet. lol They have a lot more debt over and above to repay.

I'm happy that it is paying off for Universal although will the demand be the same in 2012 a year after the final film is released no one really knows. Universal is more likely to investment in something entirely new on a large scale to keep the momentum going.

Interesting to note Disney is now not releasing attendance numbers for Orlando this quarter for the first time. Wonder if they are getting their butts kicked.
I don't want to play Moderator here, but this has been discussed too many times. If UO wants to add WWOHP Phase 2, it will happen. If we can discuss if it should happen peaceably, then carry on. Sorry guys, but this arguing is giving me a headache.
Wow, I'm really surprised here. This forum has always been my favorite to come to because the people here KNOW what they're talking about. But to see the bickering back and forth has disappointed me. Here's what I say about the situation:

It was announced in the Sentinel that Universal is REQUIRED to put in elements from both parts of the 7th movie. So yes, an expansion of some type WILL happen. When? I don't know. This could mean a small expansion to the FJ ride experience, such as a horcruxes in the ride somewhere, or Voldemort making an appearance. Or it could have all 7 of the horcruxes throughout Hogsmeade hidden places, and a game where all the kids would have to find them to win a prize of some type. I don't know, I'm just saying. OR an entire new attraction could be built.

All I'm saying is that it is announced that a phase 2 is going to happen. I don't know when, I don't know what it will be, but something WILL be added to the area.
White rabbit everyone knows that...the debate is about scale and especially LC.

If you can't handle a debate people that is your problem and your problem alone.
Guys... Phase 2 is all but confirmed. Potter was too successful for them to ignore it. What I'm guessing would happen, or what I would do, is let the initial Potter investment run its course - as soon as the crowds decline a considerable amount (significant percentage drop), announce the new Potter area to take over the Arabian portion of the Lost Continent (keeping Mythos & Poseidon). Hopefully the expansion will include some new shops, a new restaurant to handle the Three Broomsticks demand, a new show (Islands needs to maintain it's very low show count), and a new ride of some sort. This will cause the flow of people to surge again, this time with a greater area, meaning a better crowd experience. At the same time, I feel like Jimmy Neutron is going to get axed for Despicable Me (biggest hit for Universal in years, tons of merchandising opportunities, could easily accomodate the space) and Terminator will (sadly) get axed for Avatar (makes sense - Cameron will approve since they're both his films, the attraction [while excellent and still impressive] is growing dated due to it being based on the second film). This'll allow the Studios to have a draw (Avatar & Despicable Me are pretty good) much like Rockit & Simpsons has one now.

I would imagine, now that they have an idea of the intense success of Potter and the crowds it brings, Universal will be better prepared with proper crowd control and entertainment options. This means more characters, more impromptu street shows, more smaller attractions (Trikes) - which is only a great thing. They would be INSANE to not prepare a nighttime spectacular for each of the parks. Islands needs a fireworks show, Universal can keep 360.

And in the very distant future? Maybe - just maybe, if we're lucky - a Lord of the Rings land in the Studios World Expo plot or the Jurassic Park/Toon Lagoon plot.
Im Sorry, But No one is going to IOA for the lost continent. While even I agree they should add on to other parts first, I really dont believe they will. Especially with that Wwohp contract in effect. Im positive that there is some kind of time frame in which they must add on contents from the rest of the movies, which one part has already been released, and the other will be released in a few months.

The very logical thing to do is simply to expand over the lost continent gradually. There is no way in hell they are gonna touch JP, and that's simply why everyone is expecting them to expand it into the next closest area, one of the areas with two very sub-par attractions and not much to be missed. The only thing im really gonna be crying about is the mystic fountain... I hope universal can find someway to save that... It seems like something jk Rowling would be fond of.

I think everyone is expecting them to close down the whole lost continent and do what they did with the first phase expansion. I personally think over the next few years we will see the remains of the LC go. Why stop at phase 2? Universal is going to draw it out as long as they can... I dont expect them to be getting rid of LC in one fair swoop, but slowly adding onto what they have seems like the route to go.
I would love to see a restaurant/ simulator hogwarts express, where you board a train on a moving platform that moves a little side to side and large dome screens on the side of each cart. It would be like your on your journey to hogwarts while your eating lunch. Imagine the money that would come off of that because I know for a fact that people would be willing to pay $$$$ for that experience, even though it would be nice if universal could think about others that can't afford $10 for a chocolate bar!
My word, so much passion on this idea of expansion. Every argument here is really correct and incorrect at the same time. While ideas are far past napkin in restaurant stage... ideas have been drawn up. It appears all very blue-sky at this point for so many reasons even I cannot comprehend; I am not winning awards as a business person anytime soon (but then again, neither was Universal Parks and Resorts two years ago). So, drawings, many proposal plans and paintings have been created as that is cheap. I have no info that any of this has been presented to anyone at WB or the JKR camp yet.

So, like all of us here, it is both a no-brainer and yet a brainer... more to it than some of us, including me, can comprehend business wise.

I'd better shut up as I was going to expound... eeep.
My word, so much passion on this idea of expansion. Every argument here is really correct and incorrect at the same time. While ideas are far past napkin in restaurant stage... ideas have been drawn up. It appears all very blue-sky at this point for so many reasons even I cannot comprehend; I am not winning awards as a business person anytime soon (but then again, neither was Universal Parks and Resorts two years ago). So, drawings, many proposal plans and paintings have been created as that is cheap. I have no info that any of this has been presented to anyone at WB or the JKR camp yet.

So, like all of us here, it is both a no-brainer and yet a brainer... more to it than some of us, including me, can comprehend business wise.

I'd better shut up as I was going to expound... eeep.

Ha ha ha gotta love your hints and riddles Teebin.