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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hollywood

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I have a feeling it will go as thus:

*Persian Courtyard closes to make room for a Potter Ticket Distribution center

*AnnualPass *and possibly hotel guests of the Sheariton and Hilton* get Early morning entry for just WWoHP

*Gate A and VIP gets Automatic entry into WWoHP

*a Extended line for Potter will be located in UniversalPlaza

*WWoHP will have Special staff giving out free items, Surveys to see how Guests react, ETC in the Extended line

*WWoHP will have a extended park hours just for the area

To me, this is whats going to happen for Crowd control and other things to make sure it doesn't become a issue as we aren't going to get that forest line unfortunately so hopefully; it isn't as bad as what Orlandos phase I was.
I don't think filling up the entirety of Universal Plaza for a line is necessary (even for Hogsmeade). Sure, there may be days where some sort of makeshift queue is needed, but what's the point of making an entertainment venue like UP if you're just fill it up with a bunch of switchbacks?
I wouldn't be surprised if in the first few months they'll use Universal Plaza as an extended queue to enter the line. Although technically, if they offer a return time, that would remove the need for that kinda queue, so I agree.
I don't think Hogsmead will be any larger than Orlando.  I believe where the additional land will come from is with Hippogriff and Forbidden Journey will not be as tight as Orlando.  More space between the three venues similar to Japan.  Although, I don't think it will be super noticeable.  More than likely we will get Ollivander's on the east side of Hogsmead similar to Japan.  I am still very curious about that lake!!!

I do believe the ticket system is inevitable for high capacity days, but I hope the ticket distribution is at Universal Plaza and not Globe Theater.  Would it be wrong to distribute tickets at the main gate turnstiles?
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I don't think Hogsmead will be any larger than Orlando. I believe where the additional land will come from is with Hippogriff and Forbidden Journey will not be as tight as Orlando. More space between the three venues similar to Japan. Although, I don't think it will be super noticeable. More than likely we will get Ollivander's on the east side of Hogsmead similar to Japan. I am still very curious about that lake!!!

I do believe the ticket system is inevitable for high capacity days, but I hope the ticket distribution is at Universal Plaza and not Globe Theater. Would it be wrong to distribute tickets at the main gate turnstiles?
Yeah, Universal Plaza was built to help with this kind of situation.

And Chris, no lake man ;) Unless they make a little pond.
It's amazing to think that Harry Potter is way underway with construction here in Hollywood!  I remember when the first Hogsmeade opened in Orlando 4 years ago after I just graduated high school originally assuming it was probably not going to come to Hollywood at all.  From the first visit I remember around 2005 until the Transformers opened, the park layout was practically the same and now they're really changing it!  This is bigger than the DCA 2012 overhaul, though Universal often seems to be more nonchalant about their developments than Disney.  I've heard various rumors that the Hippogriff could also appear with the Wizarding World and I also remember seeing a big flat pile of construction dirt off to the side of the rest of the future Wizarding World from the photos.  That also makes sense since I know Universal wanted to add more "family attractions" to Hollywood, which was the idea behind Super Silly Fun Land.  Though I doubt Kang and Kodos will come to Hollywood due to lack of space and the fact that it would be similar to the Silly Swirl.
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I think Flight of the Hippogriff is everything but confirmed at this point. Beyond that, Forbidden Journey, and Hogsmeade, there's still at least one more trick up USH's sleeve. To quote Alan Gilmore back when Diagon Alley first opened, each Hogsmeade will have its own "flavor." Basically, the question is, what are we getting instead of Dragon Challenge or The Black Lake?
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I think Flight of the Hippogriff is everything but confirmed at this point. Beyond that, Forbidden Journey, and Hogsmeade, there's still at least one more trick up USH's sleeve. To quote Alan Gilmore back when Diagon Alley first opened, each Hogsmeade will have its own "flavor." Basically, the question is, what are we getting instead of Dragon Challenge or The Black Lake?
Oh, that's right!  I forgot that!  I did hear a rumor a while ago that there could be dining at the Hogwarts "Great Hall" in Hollywood, but I'm not entirely sure how true that is.  Maybe that's it?  Could easily be something else instead.  But I do LOVE the idea that each Wizarding World will have it's differences so it's not entirely the same each time!
To be quite honest, I don't really care much to eat in a Great Hall setting. That's coming from a Potterhead, too. Maybe if it's executed exceptionally well, but unless the food magically materializes on the dining tables or it's brought to us by house-elves, they're already straying seriously far from the stories. I think The Three Broomsticks suffices for a Wizarding World dining option. That's just how I see it.
I was personally wondering that also... what if its not great hall but.. a few things, smaller but more better, One would be a second entrance at the once was Gibson Entrance and another could be more wand bits, Have things in Hippogriff and FJS line for a extra effect. We'll see but i'm just not thinking the surprise won't be big.
I think adding wand effects in a ride queue, especially a queue like FJ's, is a recipe for disaster. You would have groups of kids standing for a good 10 minutes each trying to enable the same effect over and over. After experiencing it firsthand in Orlando, families will try forever just to try and complete each effect. Each interactive wand spot requires a team member standing nearby in order to help, because the lines for these things get long. Not to shoot down an idea, but I can't emphasize enough. Haha.
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Yeah, please no wand effects in the queue.

And The Great Hall might come in some form I think, because that huge survey I took a few months ago mentioned an up charged Great Hall/Sorting Hat experience with dinner or something. So...we'll see.
Yeah, please no wand effects in the queue.

And The Great Hall might come in some form I think, because that huge survey I took a few months ago mentioned an up charged Great Hall/Sorting Hat experience with dinner or something. So...we'll see.
If they had a show of some kind with it, like how they handle pirates dinner adventure or medieval times, then I'd be willing to pay money. They could offer similar menu options and be a reservation only type place. I'd be in favour of that. They could also have it be a normal restaurant during the day and then at night do the upgrade dinner reservation show.
I like some of the thoughts of where this is going.  Possibly an interactive zone with wand effects would be nice.  I agree that we are not getting the lake from Japan's version.  I have to admit, that I am stumped by this one.  I would like to see a show in this area because its something that USH could do right.
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Our park (surprisingly) has the blessing of a spread out space on the Forbidden Journey end of Hogsmeade. This is the perfect opportunity for UC to wow us!
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We're Actually getting The Great Hall Dinning Experience which it's kept a secret right now . The Dinning Experience we'll be very unique
I am still going to take this with a grain of salt until we begin to hear more about it.  I still feel that having 2 major dining experiences within the area is overkill.  I also do not see why they would build another major kitchen in Hogwarts when they went through all of this trouble to share a kitchen between Springfield and Broomsticks?

Is the Dining Hall plausible?  Of course.  Is it smart, maybe.  Does it make sense, no.  Perhaps that last idea is why it will happen... LOL

When a theme park is attempting to build an experience, and the Dining Hall thematically is located inside the Castle, having the Dining Hall experience in Hogsmead doesn't seem to make much creative sense to me.

Then again, I was wrong about Stage 28!