Time for the Highlights:
Yesterday, I had aired a brand new episode of Theme Park Talk V, featuring the fantastic Chris Nighle from Tokyo Disney Reporter. He was a lot of fun to have on, and shared a great incite towards how he stumbled from Canada all the way to Japan, along with sharing how things became the way they are now with his platform. I highly recommend it, as it's a great episode to touch on the element of a journey.
And announced earlier..I am proud to announce a special guest for Episode Seven: Stephen E. Dinehart.
Stephen E. Dinehart is the former Game Director at Evermore up in Utah, and is the current Game Director of an upcoming project called Giantlands: a mixture of a TTRPG/Evermore style park. Additionally, he was the writer of the upcoming Universal Creative project: Mario Kart for Super Nintendo World.
I taped the episode with him on Thursday, and to say it's been an honor to have him on, is no small part of an understatement. Having someone like Stephen on is a massive step forward, and I can't wait to share the episode publicly, as we will be premiering it on Tuesday.
These past 7 episodes have been amazing, and it stuns me to see Theme Park Talk still thriving in it's own special way. I hope everyone here on IU's been able to listen, as we've only just begun.