Personally, I think these are four really strange properties to base a cohesive "universe" on, but I know each has their fans. I really do wonder if Fantastic Beasts has the extension power that the other lands have... In other words, if there was to be another attraction in those areas, I can easily see a Zelda, Pokemon, Kirby, or Animal Crossing land grafted onto the Mushroom Kingdom. Berk could flow into a number of Dreamworks properties, like Shrek's Far Far Away and Madagascar. I can even see Monsters getting VERY different attractions on behalf of the Black Lagoon, the Opera, the Woods... etc...
But what is the extension of Fantastic Beasts? It would be the same characters, different city. Once they choose the city, they're kinda stuck, though, aren't they?
The Celestial Garden (is that right?) seems to be a great location for a Space Fantasy, and could function as the Overworlds in Kingdom Hearts do - you "fly" over to different worlds and unlock their stages. Kinda. A ride in the center could explain the lore or whatever transport system will be used in the park. Rosalina from Super Mario Odyssey could be a great excuse for the galaxy-hopping, too. The attractions here also seem to have potential to grow --- but I'm truly feeling a lack of expansion possibility for Fantastic Beasts... Hm.