I don't see why we're discounting the possibility of Jurassic in 2 parks so quickly or easily.
It's Universal's single most important live action IP; even further, it's the most important Universal movie IP for the US market. The only other one that even comes close is Fast and the Furious (which obviously can't justify a multi-park IP). It's not just about merchandise or sales; it's the fact that it's the only property that Universal can produce knowing it'll generate $300m+ domestically in a heartbeat (JW did $650m US+Canada); we're likely to see at least several more JW movies through the next park opening. If there's any IP that Universal would want to push in 2 Orlando parks, it'd be that one.
I'm not saying they'd keep Jurassic Park in IoA permanently if JW did appear in the next park, but I'm also not sure why it'd be such a terrible idea; confusion doesn't seem to be that big an issue to me when you're comparing JPRA to a JW Gyrosphere experience.
The best argument against it is just that there wouldn't really be enough differentiation of the experiences because of the motif of seeing dinosaurs, but I feel like a JW Gyrosphere ride would be different enough to justify it.