I only read about the smoking ban and that was my logical conclusion. Flashbacks to visiting Hawaii.
I can see both sides to this but I think this is only going to make things worse and there has to be some middle ground.
People complaining about walking past smokers is a genuine concern and the smoking areas should be off the beaten track and well hidden but if people are going to be forced out the parks and past security, especially at DL. Walking into Disney will be through a crowd of smoke for every person visiting or worse, people will start smoking any where they can out of convenience or protest.
I never really noticed people smoking except for Epcot and TL at the bar. If people can't smoke, they might not drink.I know plenty of people who can only drink and smoke.
If they take it a step further and ban people having cigarettes on them which will force people to return to their car or hotel, people aren't going to visit.
I've spoke to a few people today who are heavy smokers and regular visitors to Orlando, who have flat out refused to visit Disney because of this. It could be a knee jerk reaction but I could believe.
I can see Disney caving in on this and maybe have one smoking area per park that could either be indoors or behind a walled off area.
Will Universal follow suit?