^what did you think of Hard Rock Park?
Food was really good, rides were OK, but there wasn't enough. We went on an unusually hot May day (way over 90), so I wish we could have gone on a cooler day and gone on things more than once. But the heat got to us and we ended up leaving and coming back at night for the fireworks. The park was DEAD and I mean DEAD. At times we felt like we had the whole park to ourselves. I have never seen that at any other park, so it was a little strange and freaky at times. I mean when you are somewhere and do not see anyone else but employees for a length of time... well you get the point.
The setup of the park was great, how they had different things in each part (coaster, flat ride, playground, food, etc in each part) I thought was really good. But there just was not enough rides to justify the price. We got it at a discount because we bought the tickets the year before, but I totally see why the park failed. The price was way too high for what they offered. The coasters seemed bought off the shelf and a little rough, except the one, that was closed. Which that is the one that was never really open. Getting there was interesting, as it is not in the best location for traffic. It seemed like the layout of the park was well planned out, but the infrastructure around it and the marketing were very lacking and it showed. I mean we went a couple days after grand opening, it should have been more packed.
Our impression when we left was it was a good park, we would go again, best counter service park food we ever had, but that it was over priced for the area and for what it offered. Did we think it would close after that one season? No. I thought it was too good of a park for that. Did I ever think it would be sitting their empty now? No, again, thought it was too good of a park for that. But I guess the market was just not there at the time.