From my experience, seeing it in person, I'm equally confused at what I'm seeing whether at night or during the day

To my naked eye, it looks like a bunch of metal, and wood, and cement, all jumbled together everywhere. I actually am able to visualize and discern things better at home, looking at the pictures magnified on the computer. On a bright day, you probably can see the same as with the night lights inside the show building. I think the best thing to have is definitely a big lens for zooming in as close as you can. This is because most good pics where you see the most, are taken from quite far away. As you would assume, the closer you get to the construction zone, the closer you are to the wall, which blocks your view. I don't currently have a very big lens (I have a 18-55mm for my Rebel T3), but I can still get decent shots. Though, I'm hoping to get a bigger lens soon :thumbs: