Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 150 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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New here but have been following for a while now. Just wanted to say thanks for all the information and pictures!! My family and I were there in October 2012 and Transformers was being built and there was nothing but dirt where Diagon is now. We're going back this December and can't wait!!
I think tree branches will take care of that ugly sight from this spot. And once you get closer to the building, you won't be able to see that far back.

You're talking about the trees in the park area in front of King's Cross right? That would probably effectively block the view of the far station's roof from the spot in this picture but from within the station itself it won't help much. While you may not be able to see the far station roof as you said, you will certainly be able to see the ugly beige backside of the Leaky Caldron/Knockturn Alley building off to the right.

I'm starting to think that Universal doesn't care as much about the sight lines outside of the Diagon Alley part though. Look at the King's Cross station building beside San Fran, for example. They themed the whole side of the arched roof part of the building but left the part of the building beyond that, where the roof steps down but the outer wall is still even with the themed section, plain and painted it that ugly beige color. I know there will be a gate in this alley but unless its two stories tall you're going to see that beige wall right beside the beautiful brick themed one. I'm wondering if its for budget reasons at this point though since the entire Disaster show building is themed (well, painted at least) down this same alleyway, a.k.a Grand Banks Canning Company or something rather. Of course that could have partly been done because it was more visible from when the original Jaws ride was there.

I'd still love to see the rest of the main King's Cross facade (and the back of the Diagon Alley buildings behind Grimmauld Place, which are also being painted beige) get a faux paint job effect at least. Like the original rock work under the great hall before they, thank god, ended up themeing it with more rock work instead (See this pic if you don't recall: http://i883.photobucket.com/albums/ac38/ParkSleuth/IMG_2872.jpg By the way, credit to Teebin for originally posting this pic link a few pages back).
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So Universal posted some pictures of some of the food we can get in the Leaky Cauldron. This includes: Fish n' Chips, Bangers and Mash, Scotch Eggs and Cheeses, Cottage Pie, Toad in a Hole, Chocolate Potted Cream, Apple Red Currant Tarts and a bunch of cookies!


So Universal posted some pictures of some of the food we can get in the Leaky Cauldron. This includes: Fish n' Chips, Bangers and Mash, Scotch Eggs and Cheeses, Cottage Pie, Toad in a Hole, Chocolate Potted Cream, Apple Red Currant Tarts and a bunch of cookies!



Oh wow. The menu/food looks much better than the mediocre Three Broomsticks! I like the Three Broomsticks but the menu was always a little boring to me.
Oh wow. The menu/food looks much better than the mediocre Three Broomsticks! I like the Three Broomsticks but the menu was always a little boring to me.

I agree, way better menu. I am looking forward to a couple items here and I never go to Three Broomsticks anymore because the food was too much like the place it replaced and not enough HP or English food for me.
I'm wondering what the Chocolate Potted Cream and Apple Red Currant Tarts are? Not very British IMO. May try the Toad in the hole as it's one my favourite "English" dishes. The fish and chips are normally horrible though in USA :LOL:
That food selection looks really good, I'm impressed. Also, this fills me with hope for incredible ice cream options! They really need to sort out the fish and chips situation though - serving it with wedges instead just seems like a rookie error when so much effort has clearly gone into everything else.

I'd never seen that picture of the painted rockwork before. Pretty tragic.

I have no idea... I thought perhaps the wall trick mechanism but who knows. I know stuff, but nothing I can talk about and most of it is details, minutiae even, that few would be entertained by here.

Example, there are so many Swiss gents backstage and in a certain building right now that it feels as if Uni has been taken over by the Vatican guard. It has been described to me as "somewhat ridiculous". I guess Intamin is trying to a put its best face forward.
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