Yeeeeeeeeeah . . . Kinda forgot about that. Man, it bursts my bubble every time
But that means there's still room for mythological, it's just not all concentrated to one land. I'm trying to think of creatures that could work for the continents, but that would require knowing which continents are included in the park

The sad thing is, most people probably don't know, because they go there once or twice. God, we need an expansion SO bad.
EDIT: Wow. I just found out that only two of the lands are continents. I really know
nothing about AK. I feel kinda bad now :mean:
EDIT AGAIN: I googled african mythological creatures and found a promising one: the lightning bird. Here's the wiki page: I hope Disney continues with mythology. It really works, you can take it to any kind of attraction and ride system, and the guests love it. Let's not let Beastly Kingdom be completely forgotten.