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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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Trying to brainstorm ideas for attractions. Can't come up with any that hasn't already been said. I like the idea of a Luigis Mansion dark ride similar to Haunted Mansion. Projection Boos and a confrontation with King Boo at the end. I hope they announce the plans soon. Any of you guys with insider info feel free to drop some more hints!
It's a difficult proposition as for fans its HUGE, but not for the rest of us. We can talk fanbase size, console sales etc till the cows come home, however are UOR really going to put this IP across two parks, will there really be a need?

I can see this being limited to Kidzone only. Will we see Potter size crowds on opening, I doubt it. The key to much of Potter's success is the age group, it spans generations, kids grew up with it, parents enjoyed it at the same time. Does Nintendo span generations, not really. If it's replacing Kidzone, they are gonna keep it very kid friendly, it'll be nice to see, but not something to rush out for. I think sometimes on the forums we forget we are forum geeks who like gaming, films, technology, Sci-Fi etc etc. Joey Public's parents (who Joey needs to visit this) are probably not and won't see it as a family thing that everyone can enjoy, but see it as somewhere to take the kids when they do the rest of UOR.
It's a shame Tropical Freeze didn't explode like Returns. It's so ****ing game of the year by a long shot. Still think DK showing up in the parks is highly likely, though,

One of the most frustrating gaming experiences I've ever had. I had to rage quit and haven't picked it up again in almost 9 months. :lol:
Size isn't the main factor. Wuze Town in Germany's Phantasialand is an example of a small area where rides are stacked and a wicked mack spinner gives a lot of thrills. Actually the whole of Phantasialand is a marvel of use of a small area and stuffed it to the brim with rides and theming. Also Arthur at Europa park is also a great example as Haretofly mentioned with play area's, resaurants, rides and a nice darkride/coaster combined.
I think the Nintendo brand would greatly bennefit from a tighter interwoven theme as their characters often cross over in other games.

I'm a gamer but not a Nintendo fan but recognise the importance of this ip for both Nintendo and Universal and look forward to stap into that world. Here in the Netherlands fans of theme parks and/or Nintendo already express their excited on game sites about the news and start to make plans to fly out to Universal for a visit (if that is any indication of the future succes). But I had to correct one who wanted to visit Disneyland Paris to see the Nintendoland in the future.:lol:
The big thing I'm wondering about is just how expansive will Universal's contract with Nintendo be? Will the contract grant Universal the theme park license for ALL of Nintendo's properties or will it grant them only the license for the "big four" properties?

If say it's a safe bet they got the rights to more than just the 4
It's a difficult proposition as for fans its HUGE, but not for the rest of us. We can talk fanbase size, console sales etc till the cows come home, however are UOR really going to put this IP across two parks, will there really be a need?

I can see this being limited to Kidzone only. Will we see Potter size crowds on opening, I doubt it. The key to much of Potter's success is the age group, it spans generations, kids grew up with it, parents enjoyed it at the same time. Does Nintendo span generations, not really. If it's replacing Kidzone, they are gonna keep it very kid friendly, it'll be nice to see, but not something to rush out for. I think sometimes on the forums we forget we are forum geeks who like gaming, films, technology, Sci-Fi etc etc. Joey Public's parents (who Joey needs to visit this) are probably not and won't see it as a family thing that everyone can enjoy, but see it as somewhere to take the kids when they do the rest of UOR.

I really do not get the 'does Nintendo span generations' comment!?! I know I am only considering my own experiences. I am 49, my wife is 45, our daughter is 9. I recall Donkey Kong from my youth, Mario Bros. from my college days. For my daughter, think about the success of the Wii. Sony and Microsoft came out with consoles that packed the power gamers needed, Nintendo went after families...folks like me that do not consider themselves gamers...the Wii had wireless controllers...made sports games where you had to run and jump and just keep moving...they came out with the Wii fit...basically selling systems and games where the family can have fun together and even get some exercise in. In some ways, I think this hurt the WiiU in a sense since their audience are not real gamers, they were happy with their games and have no real need to upgrade to the latest and greatest...the original Wii was enough.

Anyway, as a non-gamer, I get intimidated by all the buttons on a Sony or Microsoft system....for my daughter, princess Peach, Mario, Lugi...Bowser...they are household names, she was real excited when the local news mentioned the deal...Mario Kart is the only game my whole (small) family will play together....but the point is Nintendo has been around a long time and folks across generations are familiar with their IPs.
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I really do not get the 'does Nintendo span generations' comment!?! I know I am only considering my own experiences. I am 49, my wife is 45, our daughter is 9. I recall Donkey Kong from my youth, Mario Bros. from my college days. For my daughter, think about the success of the Wii. Sony and Microsoft came out with consoles that packed the power gamers needed, Nintendo went after families...folks like me that do not consider themselves gamers...the Wii had wireless controllers...made sports games where you had to run and jump and just keep moving...they came out with the Wii fit...basically selling systems and games where the family can have fun together and even get some exercise in. In some ways, I think this hurt the WiiU in a sense since their audience are not real gamers, they were happy with their games and have no real need to upgrade to the latest and greatest...the original Wii was enough.

Anyway, as a non-gamer, I get intimidated by all the buttons on a Sony or Microsoft system....for my daughter, princess Peach, Mario, Lugi...Bowser...they are household names, she was real excited when the local news mentioned the deal...Mario Kart is the only game my whole (small) family will play together....but the point is Nintendo has been around a long time and folks across generations are familiar with their IPs.

I don't think it has the same impact as films where it is much easier for families to enjoy together, and take that enjoyment to the parks. To keep some kind of relevance to today's kids they are going to have to use Pokemon etc, which while most parents know what it is, they won't be picking up their kid's 3DS to play it.

I guess this all just based on my gut feel. The announcement has not excited me anywhere near as much as Kong, I prefer the film IPs that make you feel like you are in the films, witnessing the action and adventure. I've already written Nintendo off in my head as a Kids area in the parks that I'll walk by, admire because it looks pretty, and leave it at that.
I don't think it has the same impact as films where it is much easier for families to enjoy together, and take that enjoyment to the parks. To keep some kind of relevance to today's kids they are going to have to use Pokemon etc, which while most parents know what it is, they won't be picking up their kid's 3DS to play it.

I guess this all just based on my gut feel. The announcement has not excited me anywhere near as much as Kong, I prefer the film IPs that make you feel like you are in the films, witnessing the action and adventure. I've already written Nintendo off in my head as a Kids area in the parks that I'll walk by, admire because it looks pretty, and leave it at that.

Definitely not going to be a "kids" area. More of a family one.

And with that being. Said, Pokemon may not span generations (even if it has been aroud for nearly 20 years at this point), but Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong are all names that reach back 30+ years. That's a few generations of people that have grown up with these characters and games. Now, I agree that it won't be Potter-successful, as Potter has a more rabid fanbase. But I think Nintendo is the first thing they've gotten that could be anywhere close to that.
Now, I agree that it won't be Potter-successful, as Potter has a more rabid fanbase. But I think Nintendo is the first thing they've gotten that could be anywhere close to that.

Do you think it'll drive an increase in attendance or maintain the re-visits post potter for a while?
Do you think it'll drive an increase in attendance or maintain the re-visits post potter for a while?
It'll definitely increase attendance, but don't expect the insane quarterly increases that Potter has given to the Resort.
Do you think it'll drive an increase in attendance or maintain the re-visits post potter for a while?

It'll definitely increase attendance, but don't expect the insane quarterly increases that Potter has given to the Resort.

Yea. Plus, to be honest, if the attendance gains from last year are as big as I've heard, matched with us already hearing the past quarter was 25% higher than the same time last year, they don't need the vast attendance jumps any more. This is definitely partially being done to draw a new segment of the population, but I've been told a lot of the projects moving forward (KidZone, Twister, Disaster, etc) are primarily being done to address underutilized space in the parks and to give the large new crowds more to do that they actually want to do.
Yea. Plus, to be honest, if the attendance gains from last year are as big as I've heard, matched with us already hearing the past quarter was 25% higher than the same time last year, they don't need the vast attendance jumps any more. This is definitely partially being done to draw a new segment of the population, but I've been told a lot of the projects moving forward (KidZone, Twister, Disaster, etc) are primarily being done to address underutilized space in the parks and to give the large new crowds more to do that they actually want to do.

I hate to use the word game changer because its over used but this could be a game changer with families
It'll definitely increase attendance, but don't expect the insane quarterly increases that Potter has given to the Resort. the very least though this will revive a previously dead and boring area, which is good news to me..

I will also personally be buying all the merch..
Yea. Plus, to be honest, if the attendance gains from last year are as big as I've heard, matched with us already hearing the past quarter was 25% higher than the same time last year, they don't need the vast attendance jumps any more. This is definitely partially being done to draw a new segment of the population, but I've been told a lot of the projects moving forward (KidZone, Twister, Disaster, etc) are primarily being done to address underutilized space in the parks and to give the large new crowds more to do that they actually want to do.

This is the major thing at the moment. Universal realizes that it has made huge gains and is now transitioning to maintaining those gains. Instead of trying to ride the wave Potter has produced for the next few years, they are addressing areas of concern to improve the overall guest experience. I'm sure they will see a bump with Nintendo and because of them adding Kong and the future new additions they will more evenly disperse crowds.

Ya'll, the future is bright. It's just starting to get good.
Going through the green tubes will probably be the greatest scene transition theming ever created lol
The levels thing gave me an idea. If it's a shooter type ride , how about having it set up that if you achieved a certain point total, your car takes a side track to fight bowser and save the princess? Probably not practical, but would certainly be unique. If that's impractical, I guess they could just do different ending scenes on a screen based on score. Get a low score and get a game over screen. Get high enough and get the princess. Re-rideability would be huge.

Sally Corp managed to have this option on one of their rides so it is completely doable.


Does anyone have any thoughts on Star Fox? The characters and vehicles seem infinitely marketable, and a simple simulator attraction would do justice to the IP.

Unless they have a Super Smash Bros. based attraction I am with everyone else that the most we might get is a meet and greet.

I think a Mario E-ticket dark ride is a solid bet. Mario will probably also get 1-3 flats/spinners with one of them likely based on Yoshi.

For Pokemon, I'm expecting at most flats/spinners, no dark rides or coasters, as this is the most kid-friendly property. Maybe a Camp Jurassic-type area with animatronic Pokemon. Zubats in caves, Magikarp splashing in a river, etc.

Donkey Kong is your coaster. The mine ride is too perfect. If they can resolve capacity issues, a Wild Mouse is a good candidate.

Zelda is the wildcard. I agree with others that this is Phase 2.

I am going to disagree and say that Zelda is Phase 1 and I think Pokemon attractions might be Phase 2 (although I am expecting a Pokemon store). My reasoning being that both Pokemon and Zelda could anchor their own land entirely but Pokemon would be more of a kid friendly themed land so we may see it as an anchor land in a third park or future expansion down the line.

I can see this being limited to Kidzone only.

For Phase 1? Yes.

For Phase 2? Who knows?
I see a lot of people speculating about flat rides/spinners. Not saying there won't be one or two (I honestly don't know), but that totally is not the crux of this project. Universal is going for immersive dark rides (of varying sizes most likely).

This is Fantasyland, not Toy Story Playland
I can definitely see this Nintendo area giving even Potter a run for his money depending on what all they do.

One thing to consider with talking about the properties and how much interest they have, just because one franchise last games sell more than the other at this point in time doesn't necessarily measure the franchise popularity. Donkey Kong was pretty forgotten not too long ago his last game before the rebirth was Donkey Konga, and everyone was clamoring for the next Zelda and Metroid games. Metroid has dropped in popularity because of the change of game play that Prime brought with it. Metroidvania style games are still a huge draw that everyone loves and many would like to see a return to that style for Metroid.

Enough rambling, with Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and Donkey Kong it should be very impressive, and my biggest question from that group is Windwaker or Twilight Princess art style.