Halloween Horror Nights 26 Discussion | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 26 Discussion

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Nov 23, 2013
Seattle, WA!
Might as well keep the tradition alive of people starting these up every year..

As HHN25 ends, the outlook on next years HHN Begins. And there's is a lot of questions to be raised, especially considering the success of HHN icon Jack The Clown in the public eye this year. It also ignites a question about Legendary Truth on the story continuing with some old faces returning to be apart of the Collective once more. It also asks the questions about house locations ranging from simple entrances like the Kidzone Tent entrance to relocating old house locations like the "Disaster!" overflow. And it finally asks, what will entail for the horrors of HHN XXVI..

Fun times are now ahead, so I can't wait to see all of what entails for the community!
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As I said in the HHN25 thread, I love the Jack vs. Eddie rumors. I hope they have Eddie as the event's icon. Story is, he's tired of being outshined by his brother and wants to take Horror Nights for his own once and for all.

I also want to see no TWD or Purge. Please work on fixing the issues with Scream and get it done for 26.
I think The Conjuring is likely to be one of the big properties next year and The Purge may actually be back (and done right) seeing as there's a movie coming out. I'm at about 70/30 that TWD comes back - hope i'm wrong.

Not holding out hope, but if TWD DOES leave and they want a zombie house still, The Last of Us is perfect. I hope they don't bring a house back next year, but if they do, I hope it's at least 5 years or older so it carries a bit more nostalgia.
I'll just post some things.

- I don't think we will either see a increase or decrease in houses, with a new location (Possibly the MIB Overflow as mentioned by many) and some entrance re-locations if Kidzone isn't accessible during HHN times.
- I do think next year will bring a Icon, who it is; i'm going on two possible ones. One being a cross icon with Jack and Eddie and the second being possibly Caretaker coming back
- I don't think we have a chance in hell of getting IOA for the time being so I have a feeling its just a USF HHN.
- Five IPs and Four Originals (Need some time on that one. Do think Conjuring and Legendary Truth are locks though)
- Three Scarezones (Production Central, Hollywood, and New York Street; no Central Park scarezone)
- Two Shows (First being Bill and Ted and the second being a Icon show)
- Event starts either on September 16th or the 23th and ends the weekend after Halloween (Much akin to Hollywood and Japan)
I'll just post some things.

- I don't think we will either see a increase or decrease in houses, with a new location (Possibly the MIB Overflow as mentioned by many) and some entrance re-locations if Kidzone isn't accessible during HHN times.
I'd bet a nice amount on MIB being used, which will be the Disaster replacement. The route to the Twister house may need to be changed depending on if construction is affecting that area or if it is a safety hazard. And as i've mentioned in the past, I think the new entrance to the Parade building will be in Hollywood at the parade gate and the Tent entrance at the gate in between Simpsons and Kwik-E-Mart.

- I don't think we have a chance in hell of getting IOA for the time being so I have a feeling its just a USF HHN.
Until Volcano Bay opens, I don't think it's worth thinking of IOA being used. And even then, it may be a tough sell.

- Three Scarezones (Production Central, Hollywood, and New York Street; no Central Park scarezone)
I really hope no Central Park. As much as I think the fog can make it a great scarezone at times, it gets incredibly congested through there to the point where the actors get lost in the shuffle (especially after Carnival of Carnage would end).
Out of curiosity, what is the main reasons that IOA is a tough sell for HHN? I get that it doesn't have as many places capable of holding houses that USF does, but if they do the dual park format again it doesn't need to fit 8 or 9 houses into the park.
Out of curiosity, what is the main reasons that IOA is a tough sell for HHN? I get that it doesn't have as many places capable of holding houses that USF does, but if they do the dual park format again it doesn't need to fit 8 or 9 houses into the park.
Closing both of your parks at 5pm for a hard ticket event when you still have plenty of the general public that wants to spend time in and spend money in the parks. Plus, if you are staying on-site and don't have a horror nights ticket, that might become a bit of an issue with guests.

If Universal can close USF and make a bunch of money on a hard ticket event and ALSO keep IOA open for everyone else who just wants to go to the park (and also spend money), then they are going to ride that train for as long as they possibly can.
Closing both of your parks at 5pm for a hard ticket event when you still have plenty of the general public that wants to spend time in and spend money in the parks. Plus, if you are staying on-site and don't have a horror nights ticket, that might become a bit of an issue with guests.

If Universal can close USF and make a bunch of money on a hard ticket event and ALSO keep IOA open for everyone else who just wants to go to the park (and also spend money), then they are going to ride that train for as long as they possibly can.

That makes some sense I suppose, but I can't see IOA doing all that hot while HHN is going on next door either. I'd imagine the park would be making more money if it were packed full of HHN guests, guests who are probably going to enjoy themselves more by not feeling like a sardine packed into a can.

I don't know much about how that works, but I can't convince myself that Universal would actually lose profits in that scenario. I don't have any knowledge about this at all, but I'm thinking budget reasons may be keeping it in USF. I like how they tried to address capacity this year, but the crowded streets need to be addressed next. Dual park is the only reason thing I can think of. But I'll gladly admit to being wrong if anyone with knowledge of the situation can shed light. I'm just a fan who sees the insane demand for HHN continuing to rise and wants to see the event grow to meet that demand.
That makes some sense I suppose, but I can't see IOA doing all that hot while HHN is going on next door either.
As I was waiting with my brother and friends in the Finnegan's S&S today, my mom wanted to head over to IOA with my little sister, they were going to take the HE over and it had a 75 minute wait at around 4:50 or so (they just walked it instead). I'm not saying that means that IOA was packed, but it does mean that there is a lot of people who just want to go to the park and at 5:00, they weren't done. They wanted to stay and IOA was their only option. If both parks are in use, sure, some will probably go to HHN, but the majority will just go back to their hotel or off property. Maybe mini-golf on I-drive, or worse, go to Disney.

Universal knows what they are doing and what they are doing is clearly making them stacks upon stacks of money. From the money people's side of things, there's no need to mess with that unless there's a way to prove that profits will increase and make-up for closing IOA early.
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Some early thoughts:

I think we'll have a 4 IP/5 Original split.
The Conjuring and The Purge feel highly likely.
If what I'm reading about the LT scarezone is correct, it looks like Mary Agana will be playing a big role. Providing she is the icon, could we be leaning towards a more paranormal theme for the event?
The MIB queue seems pretty much locked for the new house location.
I doubt we get a megahouse and a scarezone in SF next year. There's really nothing that could warrant a megahouse and the SF zone was already congested this year, construction will make it worse.
I think we get one sequel, but what could it be? Nightingales? Catacombs?
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Trimming it down just a fracture to this..
If what I'm reading about the LT scarezone is correct, it looks like Mary Agana will be playing a big role. Providing she is the icon, could we be leaning towards a more paranormal theme for the event?
Out of anything, this is what intrigues me. If its Mary Agana, could that mean Bloody Mary aswell? Or would they just strip the Bloody Mary aspect and go newer for her character?

Its going to be interesting to keep a eye out at Legendary Truths FB this week if anything happens, because Mary is a fascinating Icon in the public eye, due to the controversy.
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Out of curiosity, what is the main reasons that IOA is a tough sell for HHN? I get that it doesn't have as many places capable of holding houses that USF does, but if they do the dual park format again it doesn't need to fit 8 or 9 houses into the park.

Another issue is using lands for HHN when they are tied to rights. USF is essentially a blank canvas. IOA has Marvel, Toon, JP, Potter, and Seuss - 3 of those already have a history of not wanting their property being used as a zone for HHN.
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Plus, it's going to be a big attendance gain at IOA next year with Kong opening and the Hulk redo. No way Universal sacrifices the attendance at IOA and the negative customer relations aspect (especially the increased number of on site guests with Sapphire & the other four hotels) of no parks open after 5:00 for HHN expansion into IOA.
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Last three years have seen a "classic horror movie" house (including FvJ because it was largely a tribute to the original Ft13 and NoES films). Hoping that trend continues--Exorcist or anything Stephen King seems a good bet.

Lack of any reference to fan-favorite Catacombs this year makes me wonder if they already had an idea to bring it back next year.

I suspect we get another icon. TWD feels played out, no other IP seems likely to take its place any time soon. That said, I think they realize Jack works best with a couple years between appearances. I'd be happy with Eddie or Caretaker, but come on, secretly hoping for H.R. Bloodengutz.
It's pretty weird that none of the movies in All Nite Die-In 2 have become a house yet. We came close with Scream (and hopefully they try again when the show ends) but have yet to have Hellraiser, Silence of the Lambs, or The Ring.