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Cheetah Hunt

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One of the trenches got flooded and they have to get all the water out. Also some work around the maintenance area.

Thanks for that! I actually found a picture of the flooded trench. Pic belongs to Skycoastin Steve over at Theme Park Review.

From The SETGO Guys at ThemeParkReview:

I just got an Email from the BGT Press Dept.

The most important peice of information was....
Regarding Cheetah Hunt, the trains will incorporate over-the-shoulder foam-padded restraints.
I was hoping for lap bars.....oh well....still gonna be an awesome coaster!
We have known the ride would have OTSR's for months now but very happy their using the new foam padded ones that were modified onto I-305 midway through their season. Thanks for sharing that.
I heard about those new padded ones; they seem to be more comfortable. In reality, this ride is just a lot of speed and a lot of banking, so the otsr's aren't completely necessary (e.g. Rockit), but they add comfort.

I just really want to see the drop, hahaha.
My hopes is that aside from the inversion they went with the OTSR's due to ejector air time.:pray:
Update January 20, 2011.

While gathering some photos for today's update I happened to run into Jim Dean President of Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. All I did was approach him and say thank you for holding the Gwazi event and he lit up with a smile. We had to of talked for about 10 minutes about Gwazi, Cheetah Hunt, Orlando United, and his background with the parks. I can truly say his passion towards the park and its guests is beyond words. Truly a pleasure and thank you for your time. We have great things to look forward to with him at the helm and its already showing.

From Screamscape:

2011 - Cheetah Hunt - (1/24/11) A reader pointed out something interesting today about the way Cheetah Hunt is listed on the official BGT website. The height requirement is currently listed as “TBD”, despite the fact that the press release about the ride had it already listed as being 48”. At the time, I did mention that this should be interesting, because I’ve never seen those style Intamin restraints used with anything less than a 54” height limit, so I’ve got to wonder if Cheetah Hunt may be forced to raise the height limit to 54” as well. More on this issue when I get a response back from the park.
In the meantime, check out the latest construction update on Cheetah Hunt over at BGTNation this week where they’ve got a good look at the inversion, which doesn’t look at all like the one in the animation. It’s more of corkscrew-ish kind of thing.

Oh, and the Gorilla Gallery is behind walls, and looks to be getting demolished.
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I am surprised they never built a (indoor) gift shop there like they did at Jungalia.
Hopefully they add something there to break up the long walk, if the huts are going away.
From Screamscape:

2011 - Cheetah Hunt - (1/25/11) I checked in with Jill Revelle at BGT about the Cheetah Hunt height issue and have been told that nothing has really changed at this point. “The manufacturer has suggested 48" as a height requirement, and that's still what's on our fact sheet. But as we've been saying, until the ride is complete and we are able to start safety testing, that height requirement may change.” So there you have it… all is well for now, unless they can begin test runs on the coaster and make a final judgment call at that point in time.
Awesome update, they have done loads of work to that second trench since I was there 5 days ago. May can't come soon enough.