Disney's California Adventure Overhaul | Page 18 | Inside Universal Forums

Disney's California Adventure Overhaul

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That rock work is very very impressive, but 400 million impressive????
No, I'm pretty sure the rock work is the major cost item. I know it sounds odd but thats what people "in the know" are saying.
Think about it this way, they practically built 2 test tracks, a mountain range, a town, 2 other rides, a large indoor show scene and a cavern. I think 400 million makes sense.

Anyways, just think about how much money in paint they must have spent !
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No, I'm pretty sure the rock work is the major cost item. I know it sounds odd but thats what people "in the know" are saying.

Well I know it probably cost a lot, but I would think it has to do with the fact that there will be show and ride elements in the structure and it's not just for show. But that's just a guess/
Well look at EE here at AK? What show elements would raise the price tag over 125+ million? The entire ride system couldn't of come in at more than 20 million, then another 5-10 million to theme the station and surrounding area. That leaves 75-90 million for what a busted Yeti, a projection, and a whole lot of mountain.
Well look at EE here at AK? What show elements would raise the price tag over 125+ million? The entire ride system couldn't of come in at more than 20 million, then another 5-10 million to theme the station and surrounding area. That leaves 75-90 million for what a busted Yeti, a projection, and a whole lot of mountain.

That was kinda my point. They had to build three structures inside that mountain. That's a lot of steel to buy, fabricate, and install. And a lot of extra design work to do.
Ok were on the same page just coming at it from different angles. I can't say to much, I have been hurting peoples feelings...
Think about it this way, they practically built 2 test tracks, a mountain range, a town, 2 other rides, a large indoor show scene and a cavern. I think 400 million makes sense.

Anyways, just think about how much money in paint they must have spent !

The town isn't part of the $400 million, from what we've heard. RSS alone is the equivalent of 4 FJ's.

It does look very good, though.

And Mount Prometheus is not a mountain. It's a shrine at which I one day hope to worship.
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I think the colors on the cars land mountains look more impressive though.

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The town isn't part of the $400 million, from what we've heard. RSS alone is the equivalent of 4 FJ's.

It does look very good, though.

I love the FJ ride but think about it, half of the ride is undone. You never see what's in back of you. Unlike this ride you see everything. This ride has to look good in whateverr weather, unlike FJ it's controlled, pitch black at times.
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I think the colors on the cars land mountains look more impressive though.

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I love the FJ ride but think about it, half of the ride is undone. You never see what's I back of you. Unlike this ride you see everything.

We... haven't even been... on this ride? :inquisitive:
We... haven't even been... on this ride? :inquisitive:

But.....it's....mostly......outside. And its kinda hard to do that when its outside. The only part where they might try to hide things is in the show scene. Disney didn't cheap out like Uni did with the FJ show building, they went all out !!! I....guess....you.....like.....writing.....like.....this..................................
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Ehh I'm still excited to get out there later this Summer and take it for a spin. In the end though I don't plan on it trumping the FJ or Spiderman 4K though, but thats just my opinion.
Ehh I'm still excited to get out there later this Summer and take it for a spin. In the end though I don't plan on it trumping the FJ or Spiderman 4K though, but thats just my opinion.

In the end I don't think it's meant to either. Not every new major ride is going to fit into that genre. RSR can still be an amazing attraction without competing with either of those.
But.....it's....mostly......outside. And its kinda hard to do that when its outside. The only part where they might try to hide things is in the show scene. Disney didn't cheap out like Uni did with the FJ show building, they went all out !!! I....guess....you.....like.....writing.....like.....this..................................

If you want to get an attitude, that's cool. I'll think objectively. I'm a season pass holder to Disneyland, so obviously I'm not just another Disney hater/ Uni fanboy. Most of the ride actually takes place indoors from what I heard. Then again, I've only been following this land since it's announcement, so how would I know, right? It remains to be seen if Disney will "cheap out". They have done a better job of hiding the show building than FJ. But there's still this:


Just because I wish Disney would be more responsible with their money, doesn't mean I don't like Disney or am not excited for their projects. I like to think about what if Disney could use their money as wisely as Universal did (for the most part) on WWoHP? What sort of exorbitant things could we see if they could use even half the budget of RSR on another attraction or some new innovation?
I don't know who all saw the digital pov that I posted before it was pulled but I would say 2/3rds of the ride took place indoors. Yes there is a lot of outdoor track on RSR. But keep in mind your gonna be racing thru the outdoor portions at likely over double the speed as you will the indoor portions.
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