I went last week, and I'll probably end up stopping by tonight again as well. This land is incredibly cute and reasonably well-designed. It's an absolute improvement from what came before, and provides a ton for the little ones to do across a pretty significant amount of open space. The show is okay fun and the different little playspaces like Harold's, Mama Luna's, underneath the Troll Tree, and the place of Perpetual Wetness all do their jobs very fine. As a whole, I still don't think it reaches the heights of If I Ran The Zoo or Camp Jurassic over in IoA, but that's okay. It's at least on a much more even level now than it was.
There are a lot of great new additions, but there were many things across the land that really made it feel like they stretched their entire budget as far as they could. There is a lot to do here, but some of them don't seem the most intricate, well-themed, or frankly expensive. The 3D models in the Feline Fiesta look servicable and budgeted, the lack of licensed music across the whole land is a really strange omission, lack of shade structures around the Trollercoaster, and the general look of Panda Village with it's literal flat sets and panda children, it can look on the cheaper side. That's unfortunate; but even still I can really tell that there was a lot of love and care put into the design of the land from it's designers. Had they had more budget, it could be bumped up several tiers, you can still see the passion that the team had to refresh this area.
There are lots of fun ideas and cute concepts everywhere you look, the refresh to the outside of E.T. looks incredible, Shrek's house is awesome and a wonderful permanent home for the characters. I honestly feel like the Po Kung-Fu Training is the best part of the entire land, that show was an absolute ton of fun to watch, super accessible to anybody, and I'll probably end up returning pretty consistently.
Solid land and refresh with lots of cut corners and budgeting that do a decent bit to take away from the land's incredibly creative ideas, but not quite enough to totally negate them.