Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 146 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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Krugman seems to think that opening up too soon is just as disastrous. I think that CA probably has the right approach, it's just a question of whether or not they have the budget to be able to tell the feds to shove it.

We don't have the budget. We've already requested a trillion in aid through our consortium and dipped into our rainy day funds.

Compliance around here is easing all over the place - it's a spurting faucet. Nothing is going to measurably change in two months.
We don't have the budget. We've already requested a trillion in aid through our consortium and dipped into our rainy day funds.

Compliance around here is easing all over the place - it's a spurting faucet. Nothing is going to measurably change in two months.
Seems like the states should be doing that anyway. Especially small rural counties don't really have the means to do that.
I think the important thing to remember about the Safer At Home end date (or really any dates/deadlines surrounding this pandemic) is that it's not etched in stone. Just like it seems as if they are pushing back the quarantine sort of suddenly and at will, they can push it up just as suddenly, if the science and data support it.

Say, for instance, we experience a miracle and the threat is significantly mitigated by the end of this month -- they could end the quarantine on June 1st, if it was feasible That is for sure not gonna happen, but you would not see them hold the same August 1st deadline if June 1st was clearly and totally safe. A closed Los Angeles county effects them as much as us; it benefits nobody to keep things closed.

Your best bet: follow protocol, shelter in place, and hope enough people also follow protocol and shelter in place so we can get out of this faster.
For sure, as of now I'm doing all I can not go out. I go to the store and grab Fast food on the weekends but otherwise in doors and when i leave have a mask.

But if in 3 months we are still like this i hope places open so I can at least support them, safely (wearing a mask and not being near people) but unless congress passes something then I dont know if just letting millions lose businesses is a much better world
On restaurants....I'm surprised there hasn't been a large rebirth of the car hop restaurants that were very prevalent in the 50's and 60's. The 'real' Mel' s Restaurant. That would work well with these face mask provisions.....and just to add, if I was a young guy and wanted to make a splash in the 'always tough' restaurant business...I would look for a failing restaurant (there will be a ton of them) with a large parking lot in a decent community, and pick up the lease. Partition off the parking lot, like a drive in movie lot. Hire some hot waitresses/waiters. Institute mobile ordering. The car pulls into the stall. Orders mobile. The waitress/waiter brings out the order on a tray that attaches to your pulled down car window. In the 50's 60's the wait staff came out on roller skates usually, good gimmick at the time maybe something different now. You eat in your car, as do all the other people. Your restaurant becomes the hot social spot in town since everyone can hang together, yell out from their cars, and social distance in groups with masks on or off outside, where it's safer than indoors. In the new CV social scene, where everything has really slowed down, and people are craving social interaction, a return to an old system that worked well in that type of environment could be gold.
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California’s numbers (as a state) are actually increasing
That’s manipulative numbers. When you actually look at the real numbers; and by that, I mean positive cases per 100,000 tests, it’s not the case.
When you are increasing the number of tests roughly 4% per day, you’re going to have an increase in cases. And if that number is only 2% increase of positive cases with a 4% increase of tests (both of which are the case), that is not an increase. It’s as disingenuous as having 50% less tests and saying our numbers are dropping.
Now- I’m not saying that’s perfect math, because when we didn’t have a surplus of testing, we were only testing serious cases. We are testing many less serious ones now, so will have lower confirmed cases per 100k as well. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the testing we do today and beyond. But it is what it is; and running 14 day totals per 100k will paint the most accurate picture.

Again, to all: I implore you to not take anyone’s word for anything and just look at raw data numbers for your local county and state. Here is The Atlantic’s and Wikipedia’s volunteer based tracking that is by a mile the best resource with no bias:

I'm just confused on what makes it safer in say 2 months than now?
I get the whole lets not overrun hospitals but to my knowledge even in New York they managed.
Because the goal posts keep moving and people act shocked when people are tired of being told different things.
Overwhelming the hospitals is the reason.
And the curve that matters is the hospitalization number. Not the number infected. Not the number of tests. The only curve that truly matters is hospitalization.
Here is California’s raw data.

And if you want LA Counties, specifically, you’ll need to click on theirs; it will show similar numbers.

People- trust your gut and analyze this stuff for yourself. Don’t read opinion pieces and instead, simply look at the data. Don’t insult your intelligence; you’re smarter than the media and politicians think you are. Look at the numbers and make a decision based on what you see in your particular area and based on what your particular situation is.

So “Your best bet” is:
If that means shelter in place is what’s best for you based on your community, health and age; then do shelter in place. Don’t feel one bit of guilt because someone is projecting and telling you what you should be doing.
If that means going back to work or eating at a restaurant is best based on your community, health and age; then go do that. Don’t feel one bit of guilt because someone is projecting and telling you what you should be doing.
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According to the CDC, an estimated 488,000 people died in the US in 2019 from tobacco related causes. Not only does the government not shut down the economy over it, but profits by taxing the sale of it. Wacky world we live in. Sorry I guess.Just seems wacky to me.
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According to the CDC, an estimated 488,000 people died in the US in 2019 from tobacco related causes. Not only does the government not shut down the economy over it, but profits by taxing the sale of it. Wacky world we live in. Sorry I guess.Just seems wacky to me.

and almost a quarter of that number have died due to COVID in 1/6 of the time, even with lockdowns and protective measures. That BS ain’t gonna fly here. I wouldn’t suggest anymore posts on the matter if that’s what you’re going to contribute.
This poor thread.

Funny, that is the way I feel about the Epic Universe thread...


On topic, we have remdesivir in Maine now! (but we pronounce it remdesaveah) ;)

I hope that I never find myself within a mile of proximity to it!
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So “Your best bet” is:
If that means shelter in place is what’s best for you based on your community, health and age; then do shelter in place. Don’t feel one bit of guilt because someone is projecting and telling you what you should be doing.
If that means going back to work or eating at a restaurant is best based on your community, health and age; then go do that. Don’t feel one bit of guilt because someone is projecting and telling you what you should be doing.
You can obsess over "numbers" as much as you want, but you're forgetting -- or, more likely, intentionally ignoring -- a couple crucial facts: 1) We're still not testing enough people, so the likelihood that there are more positive cases out there than what's being reported is pretty high, and 2) There's an unknown but most likely very high number of people who are or will be asymptomatic, so those people are passing it around, keeping transmission rate extremely high. Those two reasons alone justify Safer At Home policy, and how long they last has a lot (not everything, but a lot) to do with how willing people are to adhere to them.

Again, to all: I implore you to not take anyone’s word for anything
I like how you say this, and then spend multiple paragraphs trying to convince people that they should take your word for something. Give it a rest.
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I'll look into these thanks For the info.

I really don't want to at this point push people to act differently which is why I hope my work just lets us stay at home and work for a longggg time.
To me the people I'm really not liking following during all this are park bloggers like they really want the parks to open even though I see them getting 50+ bucks on live streams (from one tip) but I can tell they really only want to be back to make more money. Which I would maybe be more fine with if they admited it over saying "im staying positive"
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I'll look into these thanks For the info.

I really don't want to at this point push people to act differently which is why I hope my work just lets us stay at home and work for a longggg time.
To me the people I'm really not liking following during all this are park bloggers like they really want the parks to open even though I see them getting 50+ bucks on live streams (from one tip) but I can tell they really only want to be back to make more money. Which I would maybe be more fine with if they admited it over saying "im staying positive"
Yeah, I kind of agree with you. I don't know why they even want to open up the parks in what's looking like a not very fun atmosphere. They're not going to make money at 25 % -35% capacity. Keep some employees on the payroll to refurbish rides and clean the parks, keep the UC people on the payroll, continue construction, and lay everyone else off so they can collect the extra $600 weekly through the end of July.
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Please remember what thread you are in. If you want to get into the nitty-gritty and argue statistics of the virus, take it to the COVID General thread. And if you want to talk about things that aren't contagious and compare them to things that are then, well... don't?
LA extending its stay at home through July not only cripples tourism for the entire summer, but film and TV production for MONTHS.

Georgia is open. Filming could happen in Atlanta, theoretically. However...

Most Hollywood execs said they don't expect filming to resume until 2021.
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Yeah, I kind of agree with you. I don't know why they even want to open up the parks in what's looking like a not very fun atmosphere. They're not going to make money at 25 % -35% capacity. Keep some employees on the payroll to refurbish rides and clean the parks, keep the UC people on the payroll, continue construction, and lay everyone else off so they can collect the extra $600 weekly through the end of July.
It is to ramp up attendance. As shown in the hotel industry public sentiment isn't a switch. 30% today leads to additional people becoming comfortable, which leads to 40% next month, ECT.

As people have expressed in this thread, a lot of folks won't be comfortable attending until they feel safe, which won't happen until the parks build a history of operations without outbreaks.

Loose a little today, to get back to normal faster.
On restaurants....I'm surprised there hasn't been a large rebirth of the car hop restaurants that were very prevalent in the 50's and 760's. The 'real' Mel' s Restaurant. That would work well with these face mask provisions.....and just to add, if I was a young guy and wanted to make a splash in the 'always tough' restaurant business...I would look for a failing restaurant (there will be a ton of them) with a large parking lot in a decent community, and pick up the lease. Partition off the parking lot, like a drive in movie lot. Hire some hot waitresses/waiters. Institute mobile ordering. The car pulls into the stall. Orders mobile. The waitress/waiter brings out the order on a tray that attaches to your pulled down car window. In the 50's 60's the wait staff came out on roller skates usually, good gimmick at the time maybe something different now. You eat in your car, as do all the other people. Your restaurant becomes the hot social spot in town since everyone can hang together, yell out from their cars, and social distance in groups with masks on or off outside, where it's safer than indoors. In the new CV social scene, where everything has really slowed down, and people are craving social interaction, a return to an old system that worked well in that type of environment could be gold.
good ideal, maybe drive ins could make a come back.
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