Yes, this is another question - why are we so sure Universal is doing a great job? We aren’t privy to information on sick TMs, and a lot of our info is anecdotal from interested parties.
TMs are in an untenable position - they need to remain friendly and non-confrontational while strictly enforcing a guideline a lot of guests will deeply resent.
Even in a best case scenario, mask enforcement will be spotty, unless you assign each family an individual TM to watch them at all times (which is insane, of course). And the “eating and drinking” exception, while necessary, is a gigantic loophole.
And there should be no danger of Universal or Disney, huge multinational conglomerates with multiple revenue streams, not reopening their parks. If there is, this is a huge indictment of the companies’ financial planning (stock buybacks) and of the government response.
Look, The pandemic can be controlled. A lot of other nations have done it. Our inability to control the crisis is why we have to even discuss whether Universal should be closed. Control the crisis first, save the economy and open the parks next.