Masks are great. Everyone should wear masks whenever they go out. But they aren’t 100% effective, and in a theme park environment, even with very aggressive enforcement (which is unlikely to happen, even at someplace like Uni that is trying to make an honest effort) there will be many times when people are unmasked, when they are eating, drinking, and, for many, when they forget or just don’t want to wear them. And because HHN tends towards a teen crowd, you’ll see more lapses then during the day. Plus, many people have to fly to HHN, which is impossible from many places and a bad idea from everyplace.
I think it’s unwise for Uni to be open now, but it doesn’t matter very much to me on a personal level because the Bourne Stuntacular and every other attraction will be there when the pandemic is abated. But HHN is a one-time deal. You miss it, it’s gone. And so the choice becomes literally risk harming yourself or someone you love vs missing a one-off event you really, really like. From that perspective, a theme park being open irresponsibly during a pandemic goes from troubling in a general sense to personally infuriating.