1st. They are going to have HHN (at least that's what it seems like right now). Can we stop with the "well it's irresponsible" because it literally does not matter. Nothing you say or do is going to stop it from happening as long as they are following the CDC guidelines, which they are. It's doing nothing productive aside from making people feel bad for wanting to go. Yes, Universal can get people sick. Yes, other guests can get people sick. The bottom line though is that when you walk into Universal you have singed a legal contract saying that you know the risks of going here.
2nd. Universal DOES NOT CARE that you weren't able to go see the event this year, no matter the reason. They still are going to have HHN for years to come, and complaining about not being able to see certain properties isn't gonna bring them back anytime soon. It's not gonna stop fans from coming either, especially after having a year without it.