Could care less about critics and their reviews. I find them pathetic in many of their assessments and bias in there love for certain movies that fit the social era we live in. They use this realm not for actual truth in their review but what makes them look best amongst the masses. Don’t believe me, simple question then do any of you honestly believe that Black Panther was as well made in all aspects as The Dark Knight? Really? I enjoyed Black Panther and all but it is nowhere near the level of The Dark Knight, oh and this is coming from a Superman fanboy.
I for one cannot wait for this. As soon as tickets go on sale for Roadhouse Cinemas(Recliners, great food, desert, drinks, etc), here in Arizona, I will be buying tickets for my whole family. I go to the movies to have fun and be whisked away and this looks like a perfect fit.
Edit: I realize that I kind of went on a rant there but damn it had to be said.