Changing subject now, let me ask some of the naysayers here two questions. How would you feel if one additional large scene was composed of animatronic workers; 1 welding at a bench, 2 polishing a different car, and a fourth removing lug nuts from the tires of a third car and a small musion with two majors arguing plot in the foreground?
How many would rather have a mega coaster themed to F&F that reaches 85 mph at one straight run point with screeching tire effects and smoke and other stuff like that?
I am just curious as to what you would rather have?
Coaster, all the way. They could make it part dark ride and part coaster (kind of like Mummy did...but on a much MUCH grander scale). There is literally SO much they could be doing on this ride! I will say that I rode the Hollywood version 3 weeks ago. I found it to be
truly AWFUL--and I'm about as die-hard Universal Fanboi as they come--but this was an EPIC disappointment. If this cheesy ride were converted to an actual type of cheese, it'd be called "Fumunda," because that's how bad it stinks. One of the worst attractions to grace USH outside of "Spiderman Rocks!" and "Creature from the Black Lagoon: The Musical." Yes, I realize I am comparing a tram attraction to 2 shows and I'm doing that intentionally...because they were all
You know what the funny thing is though? The GP seemed to enjoy it...and I'm talking your average, "I get to do this once a year" kind of guest that doesn't have huge, discerning tastes like those of us on here do. I did the tour 3 times (V.I.P. Tour, so I got front-of-line passes once the V.I.P. experience ended) and each time people thoroughly enjoyed it. The lines were pretty long all day long (an hour or so, sometimes longer), and each time, people were thrilled when F&F ended. One time was absolute cheering and insanity, and another (the last time I went on it) was enthusiastic clapping with lots of eager chatting amongst the groups. The V.I.P. Tour (first time I experienced it) was filled with more serious, discerning fans and park-goers, and they (outside of a foreign couple) weren't very impressed. A couple of pixie-dust snorters flat-out made fun of the experience.
So that goes to tell you that USH has a big hit on their hands with F&F: Supercharged and Orlando will as well. We park snobs don't matter to those at Universal Creative, or to the management at Parks and Resorts or even Comcast. They know we'll come anyway, so they can build whatever they want so long as it drives in the general public in droves...and it will in Orlando, even if it is a "sucky clone."
I don't think people realize that for a ride to achieve any kind of speed and offer a ride of more than 15 seconds it would require running it from one end of the park to the other. The illusion of speed is all we could ever expect using the space available.
I really think everyone needs to reserve judgement on this and Fallon and any other project until they actually ride them. Jumping to conclusions now is just pointless...
They could build a large show building with multiple levels like they did on Transformers. They could do a sub-level, a ground level and a second level...with each level having different sets, screens, and high-speed runs (like a coaster). Yes, the amount of space in the Disaster/BJ plot is limited, but there are options they could do with it. There are drift coasters and other sorts of ride systems they could play with to make this thing a first-of-its-kind experience...but it sounds like they're not going that route.
I'll simply say that after experiencing the awfulness that was Hollywood's F&F, I'm severely disappointed by what I'm hearing is coming to Orlando. However, until I experience the ride myself, I am holding my judgement and will sit back, wait and see. For all we know, it's going to be a kick-ass experience, and if it isn't, we still got a new ride, USF will have yet
ANOTHER hit on their hands, and we'll see what new hotness is coming down the road in 2018 and beyond. I couldn't care less about Nintendoland, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be amazeballs!