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Frozen Ever After

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As usual the distaste for Disney on this site is nuts. ALL parks are a business. Do you think tearing down Jaws (an expensive to operate ride) for MORE POTTER!!!...more stores/rides/etc wasn't for business purposes? Universal saw an opportunity to expand a very lucritive part of their park, and torn down a classic ride to do so. They may have created a superior attraction and land out of it, but ultimately it wasn't done "for the fans" it was done for the fans "wallets"

I agree that Disney should be doing something more grand for it's most popular movie in decades, but at least it's doing something..and relatively quickly for them. Let's hope they pull it off. I would love to see some concept art...

All the folks that are asking for it at HS are forgetting that SW land is in the cards...and we all know what's going down in AK in a few years.

Epcot makes the most sense in terms of putting something new in each of their stepchildren parks. MK just had a huge I'm assuming WDO wants to put it's budget on the other parks for a while...

I might be one of the only people on this site that owns a magic band and I've gone to WDW the past three weeks instead of Universal on my day off work to get some fun there in before HHN. I still have love for Disney, I grew up with it, I love the classic characters and there is a charm to being in a Disney park that can't be matched. But seriously, stop comparing this to the Jaws/Potter thing. Universal was obviously cashing in on Potter popularity, but they didn't go with the cheapest and easiest way out. They could've easily just taken the rest of LC and made a mini Diagon Alley area with a Gringotts ride in there, but instead they took out a big chunk of land and decided to outdo themselves on the original (as Walt Disney would say, plus it) and created one of the most amazing experiences in the industry. Disney is taking a rinky dink small ride in the World Showcase from the 80s and throwing Frozen on top of it so they can advertise to families to come visit their "new" Frozen ride. I have no issues with Disney cashing in on Frozen, it's smart business, but they are just taking a cheap easy route to cash in. What they should be doing is building a new ride or even land in DHS, hell if they knew Frozen would be so popular sooner they may have done it in the NFL instead of the mine train.

Bottom line, the world showcase is NOT the place for this and it is an obvious easy cash in. Epcot could use some new attractions, but not ones that don't make sense for the park. I wish they would fix Imagination, because it's a joke in it's current state. Adding a ride in a place like Canada with a raft ride similar to the one at DCA would be cool. The original Mt. Fuji idea for Japan was awesome, but it pretty much turned into Everest. Epcot isn't a park that prides itself on rides anyways and I still love it in it's current state despite it not being as good as it once was, but either way Disney movies taking over the WS is NOT what it needs.
The same can be said for Harry Potter, look how long ago the last movie came out. Nobody knew if the crowds would come for Diagon. Yet they did, Frozen is extremely popular and for kids it will be a classic. Kids from the 4+ hour lines this summer may still go, not to mention kids who are too small now but will be of age in 2016. It will be an attraction that will always have new kids growing up and being of age for it. Like Aladdin's ride, Little Mermaid, Toy Story etc..

Not really. By the time the Wizarding World came out, Potter was already around for 13 years with 7 books and was wrapping up the film series. In no way can this be compared to Frozen right now.

I think time will answer that question. If Disney chooses to make frozen relevant with it's shorts and sequels then absolutely it'll be popular. However if the next movie comes out in the 2020's or Disney milks it to the point where the general public is sick of it then probably not. I don't think it will be completely forgotten by the time this comes out but it's hype will definitely die down

They've decided to milk this franchise which will ultimately kill it. If you've checked out their Facebook page, which is more of a casual fan audience then us folk here on Twitter or message boards, there's already been cries of "Enough Already" from fans of the movie.
I feel like I'm the only person that doesn't care if characters are in the world showcase. They totally could it's just this isn't the way to do it. I also don't think this site has an overall giant festa in for Disney. We can all say with a straight face when Disney does good, they just haven't done very many good things recently witch makes it hard to be positive. If you look at some of the old threads you guys beat up universal a ton during it's dark days so there is no real bias here

- - - Updated - - -

They've decided to milk this franchise which will ultimately kill it. If you've checked out their Facebook page, which is more of a casual fan audience then us folk here on Twitter or message boards, there's already been cries of "Enough Already" from fans of the movie.
I think that's because they got a very successful new toy and they want to show it off. I think most of that will stop when big hero 6 comes out then all the focus will go on that for a while. If they keep showing off frozen during the hero 6 marketing campaign then something is definitely wrong here it can honestly only get better or worse at this point
Frozen is being milked because that is what is selling these days. ALL the film companies want "MEGA-Franchises"'s already happened with Marvel, it will happen with DC, Spiderman, and yes..Star Wars.

Disney has a huge huge hit on their hands, and there is no way they are going to "let it go".

The movie will remain a classic to many, many, people, and will be also continue to draw people to the parks for many years to come.

Once again I agree with the disappointment in what this ride appears to original complaint was addressed to the folks that are stressing that Disney is only doing this for the money...well duh.
Frozen is being milked because that is what is selling these days. ALL the film companies want "MEGA-Franchises"'s already happened with Marvel, it will happen with DC, Spiderman, and yes..Star Wars.

Disney has a huge huge hit on their hands, and there is no way they are going to "let it go".

The movie will remain a classic to many, many, people, and will be also continue to draw people to the parks for many years to come.

Once again I agree with the disappointment in what this ride appears to original complaint was addressed to the folks that are stressing that Disney is only doing this for the money...well duh.

Oh absolutely it's for the money. I just think you can do it for the money and still satisfy both the hardcore fans and the casual fans. With all the space Epcot has, shoehorning a Meet'n'Greet and a new "flagship" attraction into that small plot is just baffling.
I think it will bring people in for the ride being new to visit. Look at the waiting time for Anna and Elsa. Those wait times were what people were waiting for Gringotts. 4+ hours just to meet Anna and Elsa. I think adding a Frozen ride when it opens will be a big attraction for Epcot, where there isn't that many for kids.
Well of course it will bring people...the problem is, is that Epcot's ride count is not being added to and therefore it is not a plus to the park...rather it is a redo of an existing area meaning capacity remains the same in the park..That's what I meant by my capacity comment..

This obviously is purely speculation, and in no ways me discrediting the popularity of Frozen but....

We're still within a year of it's release so obviously it's still fresh in every one's minds hence why we've been seeing 5 hour waits for Frozen. Can we honestly expect the same demand when 2016 rolls around (outside of it's opening month)?
I think it will stay popular for a know Disney is going to release many sequels, and probably an Olaf solo project. New princess line stuff, Up-charge events all around...Disney will force Frozen to be popular
Yes, in case you haven't missed it instead of innovating and creating new films, characters, and ideas...letting some fail and some pass, we see a property being milked to death until it is old and forgotten...'tentpole' is the word thrown around these days..It is terrible for the world of film..I think we'll look back in history and see this time in film as a dark ages of sorts...but..that's another discussion for another forum
If you say so, but the Accountants rule, always!

As a mother of a 2 year old that is obsessed with Disney princesses and having the ability to go to DW multiple times a year I think Disney's business plan is exactly that a business plan. The timeline for Frozen pavilion considering it's popularity now should be interesting but I am in agreement with other posters Epcot needs something else added to it just like AK. Having had to answer to some of the budget gods in Lake Buena Vista they run a tight ship but get things done.
The crazy part was Disney trying to strong arm the country of Norway to sort of pay for this to NOT happen and keep Norway the way it was.
Wait, are you suggesting Disney didn't want Frozen in Norway, and Norway did? As if Norway has much say on the pavilion nowadays anyways?

I can't get truly mad at Disney for this. Maelstrom is lame. I'm mostly disappointed that they aren't making it, y'know... not the awkwardly paced, extremely short boat ride if the timeline for early 2016 is anything to go on. But then again, if they went the extra mile and waited til 2017, Frozen may have totally died down.

For instance, check out Disneyland's Fantasy Faire that has a somewhat strong Tangled presence because that was the hot Disney property when Imagineering designed it. Now that Frozen is Disney's golden goose, people like it but aren't planning their vacations around it. Frozen does have the knack of being the most profitable animated film of all-time and a legitimate global phenomenon, but I'm sure Disney is very worried it'll be a fad that could die off in the next few years. Since they aren't willing to shell the Comcast dough to get these rides up ASAP, I guess it's time for an overlay. They are probably sure the fluid animatronics that the boats will pass by in the span of a heartbeat will be enough to satisfy theme park fans who haven't gotten over it in the 16 to 18 months that will have gone by.

But damn it if this ride won't bring Potter-sized crowds to maul Epcot. You know it will. Disney will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Wait, are you suggesting Disney didn't want Frozen in Norway, and Norway did? As if Norway has much say on the pavilion nowadays anyways?

No Disney offered Norway to pay an amount of money to keep the ride and pavilion as is (meet and greets not withstanding). This would essentially allowed them to double dip, get extra cash from Norway as "rent" of the pavilion and then put the ride somewhere it belongs. Epcot really needs more attractions not just replacing one with another especially with all the open space available.

I own 3 magic bands and last year went to Disney more times than I have ever been to a property before and am just really disappointed. I would love to go on it one last time before Oct 5th, but I honestly don't feel like I should give them extra money for that I feel is such a wrong turn. Like everyone else is saying this is not even close to the Jaws/Diagon (I was extremely upset with the closing of Jaws) comparison or even a BttF/Simpsons comparison. This is akin to taking out the major ride for a land and then shoehorning something that while immensely popular, doesn't fit in the area.
Wait, are you suggesting Disney didn't want Frozen in Norway, and Norway did? As if Norway has much say on the pavilion nowadays anyways?
Allegedly Disney asked Norway for $9M to update the end of ride film and they declined. Had they accepted, the ride would not have turned into a Frozen attraction.
Allegedly Disney asked Norway for $9M to update the end of ride film and they declined. Had they accepted, the ride would not have turned into a Frozen attraction.

That seems hilariously low, I don't know if I trust that. Frozen in Maelstrom has been in the works for awhile now.

If we're really comparing putting in Diagon Alley to Frozen overlay, I just can't. That's hilariously misguided. It's more aken to putting in Simpsons or Disaster, if anything.
The same can be said for Harry Potter, look how long ago the last movie came out. Nobody knew if the crowds would come for Diagon. Yet they did, Frozen is extremely popular and for kids it will be a classic. Kids from the 4+ hour lines this summer may still go, not to mention kids who are too small now but will be of age in 2016. It will be an attraction that will always have new kids growing up and being of age for it. Like Aladdin's ride, Little Mermaid, Toy Story etc..

What Aladdin ride? :lol:
As usual the distaste for Disney on this site is nuts. ALL parks are a business. Do you think tearing down Jaws (an expensive to operate ride) for MORE POTTER!!!...more stores/rides/etc wasn't for business purposes? Universal saw an opportunity to expand a very lucritive part of their park, and torn down a classic ride to do so. They may have created a superior attraction and land out of it, but ultimately it wasn't done "for the fans" it was done for the fans "wallets"

I agree that Disney should be doing something more grand for it's most popular movie in decades, but at least it's doing something..and relatively quickly for them. Let's hope they pull it off. I would love to see some concept art...

All the folks that are asking for it at HS are forgetting that SW land is in the cards...and we all know what's going down in AK in a few years.

Epcot makes the most sense in terms of putting something new in each of their stepchildren parks. MK just had a huge I'm assuming WDO wants to put it's budget on the other parks for a while...

I defend Disney a lot, but this time I can't. The only defense I have is that they made a decision quickly and are acting on it somewhat quickly. I say somewhat because if they are keeping the current ride system (boats) then really this should open no later than the end of 2015, yet I see this as opening in 2016.

But the Jaws Maelstrom comparison can't be made. Jaws was replaced by two rides, shows, walk thru experiences, shops, and restaurants. This ride is being replaced by another ride. Uni sees they need more capacity and added more things including Transformers while we waited. Where Disney is not adding any more capacity to a park that really needs more rides with more capacity. So this is cheap. *IF* they used the land right there next to Norway and added a Frozen ride I would be perfectly OK with this, because they would be adding more. But Epcot needs more, not a replacement. That is why Jaws was a smart move and Maelstrom is not. Yes, bot parks did it for more money, I am not kidding myself there. Uni wanted more money and knew people would spend more in Diagon Alley. I agree it was to help both bottom lines, however Uni also increased guest experience by adding more to the park for people to do.

I might be one of the only people on this site that owns a magic band and I've gone to WDW the past three weeks instead of Universal on my day off work to get some fun there in before HHN.

Nope, I own a magic band and went there on Saturday to ride Maelstrom for the last time. Waits were insane at 45 minutes (Soarin was only 30), but luckily I had a fast pass for both. I plan on going to food & wine and MK probably before I will get a chance to visit Diagon Alley. Now mind you I am pregnant and can't go on roller coasters, so that does play a little into it. Also, we have to buy my daughter a pass for all the parks and we knew we had to get one for Disney since my sister is coming down. So Uni or Sea World will be next on the list. We may get a huge discount on Sea World if not free, so if that is the case Uni might get pushed back more.
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