Guardians of the Galaxy Disney Attraction? | Page 43 | Inside Universal Forums

Guardians of the Galaxy Disney Attraction?

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I'm not ready to commit to this 100% either way yet myself but for the sake of RUMOR talk I'll throw this out there.

What if Disney and Universal actually did have a meeting and came to an agreement...

And within that agreement Disney is allowed full access to GoTG. Disney can then put Marvel in its East Coast Resort and a much needed IP into Epcot that upper management desperately wants.

Universal is then granted full access to the MCU characters of Marvel and has exclusive rights to MCU Avengers main characters in Florida. Disney also picks up the check for the actors to appear in a Universal Avengers ride as a part of the complete rebuild of Marvel Superhero Island. Finally Universal also has the ability to acquire rights to utilize DC Comic Characters for a third gate if they so choose. (PS Don't get lost on the DC Comics remark, remember were talking rumor agreements and what would benefit each other) Its all just RUMOR talk and nothing more.

The only problem I see with the MCU characters going to Universal and GOTG going to Disney is when Infinity War comes out and features both sets of characters. If people see GOTG advertised at Disney, they will assume that the rest of the characters will be there and vice versa with Universal.

Either way, it's going to get people to Orlando, even if they end up at the wrong park and it's giving the people what they want.

It could also be the start of Universal and Disney building a new relationship .

Does anyone know if DC is something that Universal wants? I know early IOA plans were for DC, but have not heard any interest since.

I do wonder about the Terminator gift shop. They have carried plenty of DC and Doctor Who merchandise. Was this just a financial move or maybe a way to track guest interest in those franchises?

I think it really depends on how the future movies do, it's not been a great start however.
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Unless this would affect Disney's Marvel plans for DCA they're really not losing anything by giving Uni the MCU rights in Florida. They can't use them at all there anyway.
From a business perspective, what will draw bigger crowds - a GOTG ride or a complete MCU land?
From a business perspective, what will draw bigger crowds - a GOTG ride or a complete MCU land?

It depends on where you're talking about.

If you're talking about DCA, I wouldn't pick between the two, I would just make a Marvel Land. If you're talking about WDW, the choice is GOTG or nothing.
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From a business perspective, what will draw bigger crowds - a GOTG ride or a complete MCU land?
Well since Uni is never giving up the rights and holds all the cards Disney might as well go for GotG and make the ride as great as possible rather than nothing.

@scott_walker :agree:

If Disney wanted they could still have a pseudo Marvel land in WDW by putting BH6 in WoL next to GotG.
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Well since Uni is never giving up the rights and holds all the cards Disney might as well go for GotG and make the ride as great as possible rather than nothing.

@scott_walker :agree:

If Disney wanted they could still have a pseudo Marvel land in WDW by putting BH6 in WoL next to GotG.

I guess it really depends if Disney can say Marvel in the name of the land. I've never seen Big Hero 6, I know it's based on the Marvel comic but how well known is it that it's a Marvel film? All the movie posters I've seen have the Disney brand over the Marvel brand.

I guess for me, DCA isn't a bargaining chip. Especially since it's already in the in the initial contract that Disney can do whatever it wants on that coast.
I guess it really depends if Disney can say Marvel in the name of the land. I've never seen Big Hero 6, I know it's based on the Marvel comic but how well known is it that it's a Marvel film? All the movie posters I've seen have the Disney brand over the Marvel brand.

This was a pretty obscure comic mini series. Most comics fans probably don't know it's Marvel, let alone the general public. Though the Stan Lee cameo might have clued some in.:D
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It's been said many times though that a negotiation between Universal and Disney could happen. It's not impossible, just that Universal isn't interested in negotiating right now (according to many different Universal insiders). A lot of his points have been made before by other posters for as long as the Marvel debate has been raging, so taking them now as some sign that GoTG is any more possible just seems short sighted to me. And I've not seen anyone try to make a case that Martin hasn't been class. Just because many of us don't believe in this particular rumor doesn't mean we are bashing him. We have good reason to be wary of it.

Oh I know about the Namor rights, that's why I didn't mention it. But let's be honest, Namor isn't the Hulk, especially when comparing overall GP brand awareness. And while Disney may have found a way around not having the Hulk distribution rights for now doesn't mean Disney doesn't want them back. Universal would not have held on to them for this long if they didn't think they would be valuable at some point.
Again, not what I'm talking about. Some of the comments towards Martin were disrespectful. Before there was no chance, zero, now respected insiders here are saying there could be something to it.
I guess it really depends if Disney can say Marvel in the name of the land. I've never seen Big Hero 6, I know it's based on the Marvel comic but how well known is it that it's a Marvel film? All the movie posters I've seen have the Disney brand over the Marvel brand.

Which is why I said "pseudo" Marvel land ;)

Pseudo: not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious; sham.
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Again, not what I'm talking about. Some of the comments towards Martin were disrespectful. Before there was no chance, zero, now respected insiders here are saying there could be something to it.

This is complicated so I'm going to break it down into points.

1.) Marvel Contract: OU has posted an article outlining the issues and reasons why WDW cannot use the characters along with outlets for how they COULD use them. This rumor revolves around this contract and any further discussions to change the agreement. Based on what we have seen no official changes to the agreement have happened.

2.) Location: Forgetting the contract for a second, the location is up for discussion. I do not believe GotG is a sure thing set for UoE (and then phase two at WoL) because...

3.) Nothing is Green Lit. I cannot discuss much but I believe nothing is green lit and we're in silly season right now for WDI projects. Chapek has reportedly mandated Marvel in the parks as soon as possible and Epcot has historically been asking for a large Carsland like project for awhile (including Carsland. Because Epcot is dead.) Combine this with this being the final fiscal quarter for the fiscal year everyone at WDI is jumping onto projects to save their jobs. Remember Star Wars land rumors at DLR going into Tomorrowland with the Astro Orbiter being moved up to where Space Mountain is? That came out during the same time frame. DHS's $6bn upgrade including Indiana Jones ride and all sort of other stupid things? Same time frame. Plans and rumors are being leaked out to gain favorites and spark interest to save their hides. (And to note the phase two talk, to me that's a red flag these plans are not green lit or even the preferred project if it does reach that point.)

4.) HTF posted a theory, one that I have heard myself. Nothing suggests it actually occurred or that's the whole deal. Jumping to conclusions about these projects and HTF's posts show more about Disney fan's thirst for anything new than actual reality.

5.) It's nothing personal, it's just business. We're all right and wrong at times.
This is complicated so I'm going to break it down into points.

1.) Marvel Contract: OU has posted an article outlining the issues and reasons why WDW cannot use the characters along with outlets for how they COULD use them. This rumor revolves around this contract and any further discussions to change the agreement. Based on what we have seen no official changes to the agreement have happened.

2.) Location: Forgetting the contract for a second, the location is up for discussion. I do not believe GotG is a sure thing set for UoE (and then phase two at WoL) because...

3.) Nothing is Green Lit. I cannot discuss much but I believe nothing is green lit and we're in silly season right now for WDI projects. Chapek has reportedly mandated Marvel in the parks as soon as possible and Epcot has historically been asking for a large Carsland like project for awhile (including Carsland. Because Epcot is dead.) Combine this with this being the final fiscal quarter for the fiscal year everyone at WDI is jumping onto projects to save their jobs. Remember Star Wars land rumors at DLR going into Tomorrowland with the Astro Orbiter being moved up to where Space Mountain is? That came out during the same time frame. DHS's $6bn upgrade including Indiana Jones ride and all sort of other stupid things? Same time frame. Plans and rumors are being leaked out to gain favorites and spark interest to save their hides. (And to note the phase two talk, to me that's a red flag these plans are not green lit or even the preferred project if it does reach that point.)

4.) HTF posted a theory, one that I have heard myself. Nothing suggests it actually occurred or that's the whole deal. Jumping to conclusions about these projects and HTF's posts show more about Disney fan's thirst for anything new than actual reality.

5.) It's nothing personal, it's just business. We're all right and wrong at times.

A much better and detailed summary of what I was trying to get across :)
I'm not going to divulge the specifics, but one time - we had 3 different sources say a specific attraction was coming to USF by 2016. Needless to say.... it didn't happen, nor is it going to be happening.

Probably worded what I meant incorrectly. Like your example, since there was so much chatter going on, it doesn't mean it was non-feasible and not at least somewhere along the planning stage at UC when those insiders talked about it. We've heard lots of rumours here that didn't come to pass, I don't doubt their legitimacy at the time because they never came to be though.

So yes, while the rapid run of GoTG plans doesn't guarantee Disney is actually following through, it still leads me to believe the chatter at least makes it very feasible - or Disney at least thinks it is or wants it to be.

The article was great by the way, but I still really don't see how GoTG is precluded or really covered by the language anywhere. The main argument seems to be GoTG appearing in the MCU (which isn't what the contract even covers) retroactively brings them into the Avengers family. That seems silly to me. It would be like Marvel doing a weird future comic book run where they pulled characters out of the Star Wars Universe and introduced them into the Avengers (stranger things have happened in comic books). In no way would Disney retroactively lose the Star Wars rights to Universal as a result.
Probably worded what I meant incorrectly. Like your example, since there was so much chatter going on, it doesn't mean it was non-feasible and not at least somewhere along the planning stage at UC when those insiders talked about it. We've heard lots of rumours here that didn't come to pass, I don't doubt their legitimacy at the time because they never came to be though.

So yes, while the rapid run of GoTG plans doesn't guarantee Disney is actually following through, it still leads me to believe the chatter at least makes it very feasible - or Disney at least thinks it is or wants it to be.

The article was great by the way, but I still really don't see how GoTG is precluded or really covered by the language anywhere. The main argument seems to be GoTG appearing in the MCU (which isn't what the contract even covers) retroactively brings them into the Avengers family. That seems silly to me. It would be like Marvel doing a weird future comic book run where they pulled characters out of the Star Wars Universe and introduced them into the Avengers (stranger things have happened in comic books). In no way would Disney retroactively lose the Star Wars rights to Universal as a result.

It's not that GotG can't be used at WDW, but a Marvel attraction cannot be put there. The article covers that explanation too. :lol:

Just for example, Universal did Creative plans on DC and Simpsons Land during IoA's design phase before any rights were secured. Obviously... Didn't happen.

Point is, they could be designing something at Disney with the thought of Universal giving the go for construction finally.
It's not that GotG can't be used at WDW, but a Marvel attraction cannot be put there. The article covers that explanation too. :lol:

Just for example, Universal did Creative plans on DC and Simpsons Land during IoA's design phase before any rights were secured. Obviously... Didn't happen.

Point is, they could be designing something at Disney with the thought of Universal giving the go for construction finally.
Designing beforehand would keep some imagineers happily employed.