Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure Construction Discussion | Page 430 | Inside Universal Forums

Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure Construction Discussion

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An off-topic comment but, we here are really quite obsessive over this whole thing and this whole forum has been a wonderful experience and maybe this is the sentimentalist part of me speaking but I think it's not a bad idea if, after the coaster's hopefully open, those of us who are able to make it should do like a little get together at IoA. I think it'd actually be quite nice.
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An off-topic comment but, we here are really quite obsessive over this whole thing and this whole forum has been a wonderful experience and maybe this is the sentimentalist part of me speaking but I think it's not a bad idea if, after the coaster's hopefully open, those of us who are able to make it should do like a little get together at IoA. I think it'd actually be quite nice.
You'll be able to find me there the first few weeks after it opens (or soft opens) anyway, so meet y'all there. I've met a few folks from this forum in person for the first time at Kong's soft open.
Without people that like their product giving them money they go out of business.

That’s pretty much the tippy top of mattering.
Michael, what you and most fanboys fail to understand is that you are not an influence on the money that comes in. They have your money, your patronage is a given, and on the off chance that they find the straw that breaks the camel's back for you and every fanboy like you, that is folding money to them. I say this not to offend you, but because it's the fact of the matter.
Michael, what you and most fanboys fail to understand is that you are not an influence on the money that comes in. They have your money, your patronage is a given, and on the off chance that they find the straw that breaks the camel's back for you and every fanboy like you, that is folding money to them. I say this not to offend you, but because it's the fact of the matter.
Oh so now it’s fanboys. I thought you said fans before. Anyone who goes to Universal and like it is a “fan.” The super fans are here on this board. There’s a distinction.

Oh, and about “hardcore fans not mattering,” tell that to Disney who recently filed big losses for Star Wars with Marvel propping it up. It’s an SEC filing so legally they cannot lie on it. How did that happen I wonder? ;)

Hardcore fans are also important because they’re the ones who pass on their immense love for a product to future generations or try to get friends into it. They’re some of the best marketing you’ve got.
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Oh so now it’s fanboys. I thought you said fans before. Anyone who goes to Universal and like it is a “fan.” The super fans are here on this board. There’s a distinction.

Oh, and about “hardcore fans not mattering,” tell that to Disney who recently filed big losses for Star Wars with Marvel propping it up. It’s an SEC filing so legally they cannot lie on it. How did that happen I wonder? ;)

Hardcore fans are also important because they’re the ones who pass on their immense love for a product to future generations or try to get friends into it. They’re some of the best marketing you’ve got.

There's an old joke about the difference between Trekkies and Trekkers: Trekkers are Star Trek fans, and Trekkies are Star Trek fans who insist you call them Trekkers. Fanboys, among other things, are fans who bristle at being called fanboys.

As to Star Wars, I don't give hardcore fans the credit/blame for the failure of Solo, or for the soft box office of Last Jedi. The former was saturation, the latter largely MRA nonsense with, yes, some pissy fanboys thrown in.

I'm not taking any of the fanboys' love of whatever they stan from them. What I'm trying, and have in your case evidently failed to do, is point out how little your opinion likely matters overall to Universal, as the content of this thread and others would indicate that you're overvaluing that to the detriment of the conversation. Ive said my piece on it though, and a word to the wise is usually sufficient.
There's an old joke about the difference between Trekkies and Trekkers: Trekkers are Star Trek fans, and Trekkies are Star Trek fans who insist you call them Trekkers. Fanboys, among other things, are fans who bristle at being called fanboys.

As to Star Wars, I don't give hardcore fans the credit/blame for the failure of Solo, or for the soft box office of Last Jedi. The former was saturation, the latter largely MRA nonsense with, yes, some pissy fanboys thrown in.

I'm not taking any of the fanboys' love of whatever they stan from them. What I'm trying, and have in your case evidently failed to do, is point out how little your opinion likely matters overall to Universal, as the content of this thread and others would indicate that you're overvaluing that to the detriment of the conversation. Ive said my piece on it though, and a word to the wise is usually sufficient.
I’ll accept that we’re at an impass. I’m trying to say pleasing fans and the dedicated fans matters, you say we don’t matter and should just shut up and take anything. I get it.
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I’ll accept that we’re at an impass. I’m trying to say pleasing fans and the dedicated fans matters, you say we don’t matter and should just shut up and take anything. I get it.
That's quite the straw man, but there's no progress to be made with you, so impasse it is.
I heard on the Dis that one of them who was a pin-trader fanatic was on a pin trader event and someone told the guy who was responsible for the pins and the events that Disney did not much for the group that "kept it going" and "who did spent so much". He said Disney didn't care about them and that they weren't responsible for a significant part of the money that is made from pins. Disney earns the majority of their dollars from one-and-done buyers. The so called fans are only a tiny part. (the guy stopped collecting pins).

I'm not saying the biggest fans are not important but as a theme park you don't need to advertise to them and they are only a tiny part of the income the park creates. The GP is the main (and most important group money wise) for theme parks.
I heard on the Dis that one of them who was a pin-trader fanatic was on a pin trader event and someone told the guy who was responsible for the pins and the events that Disney did not much for the group that "kept it going" and "who did spent so much". He said Disney didn't care about them and that they weren't responsible for a significant part of the money that is made from pins. Disney earns the majority of their dollars from one-and-done buyers. The so called fans are only a tiny part. (the guy stopped collecting pins).

I'm not saying the biggest fans are not important but as a theme park you don't need to advertise to them and they are only a tiny part of the income the park creates. The GP is the main (and most important group money wise) for theme parks.
You can advertise to the GP while still recognizing Annual Passholders and build a fanbase. I feel like Disney has created a good balancing act here. Obviously Disney's fanbase runs far deeper, but it still doesn't mean that Universal shouldn't at least try.
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There's still A LOT of prefab rockwork coming to Fluffy's area, and that hasn't even begun.

By prefab, do you mean the bent rebar frames for concrete sculpting or do you mean something made of composite materials off site? Is Nassal doing this as well and have you actually seen it or has someone just told you about it?
I heard on the Dis that one of them who was a pin-trader fanatic was on a pin trader event and someone told the guy who was responsible for the pins and the events that Disney did not much for the group that "kept it going" and "who did spent so much". He said Disney didn't care about them and that they weren't responsible for a significant part of the money that is made from pins. Disney earns the majority of their dollars from one-and-done buyers. The so called fans are only a tiny part. (the guy stopped collecting pins).

Read that last line. Read it slowly, and really think about it. Did this fan collect pins because he enjoyed them, or because he wanted to feel important? It's the Dis, so obviously, it's the latter, they REALLY like to feel important. If you want to feel important, buy a pug, you'll be important to it. The straw man Mike set up was that I said famboys don't matter. They matter to each other, and that's awesome, but they don't matter to Universal, any more than the wrestling fanboys matter to the WWE.
Ok let’s get this back on track, plus we have a thread about announcements.

Did someone mention pugs?

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