Halloween Horror Nights 2018 (USH) General Discussion | Page 192 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights 2018 (USH) General Discussion

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Nah I meant Hotel Transylvania in reference to the Classic Monsters nothing else. The devastating news isn't in the form of a house replacement, more in terms as to what the house entails.

My guess is Truth or Dare as part of HOB2. John said no repeats and no insidious so Truth or Dare, Unfriended: Dark Wedb and some other lame property.

I won't blame John for this cause well I am the biggest Murdy apologist ever and say Blumhouse got to pick which IP's were used.

Since word is Halloween won't be 2018 that would still leave one more IP coming out this year.
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I believe the reality is they are getting incomplete info. Legacy from Orlando described seeing (or being told of) a production book that contained most of what the rumored line up was. Then come December some of the hot properties were gone.
What I saw was dated, and included everything except the house in Shrek because it was still being designed.

I'm pretty open about when have incomplete or unconfirmed info. I also include the "things are subject to change" disclaimer until I know unequivocally it's a lock.

Regarding IT, I firmly believe they had it until they didn't. Various people have informed me the designers were told "Stop working on IT." That happened, based on the timeline of when I got information, around December.

I don't have a full picture. I don't really claim to. But when you get enough info from enough people, you get a whole lot of it.

EDIT - And the date on the book is after construction started. It's not a "head start." I saw that stuff last October.
I think for Oculus, it's a few factors:
1) It made it's budget back, true, but it actually only made $27m domestically, which is what counts, as international is... well.. very far from us and not our major clientele. Comparing to Blumhouse, 27m would be pretty far down their list, where Sinister 2 is. 25th out of 37 of their movies.
2) It doesn't have a lot of environments, characters, etc. Or at least I don't think it does, as I hardly remember that movie because it was pretty forgettable.
3) It has zero request presence and is fairly far back in years now, with little to no cult status. No sequels to remind us or anything.
It'd be pretty random if it showed up and I don't think many people, even the ones who vaguely remember it, would be excited about it.
I was talking with a fellow haunt fan and shared the latest rumored line up and they were excited. I would describe this friend as someone like me, someone who is going to go regardless of the line up.

Then a second friend who is more a casual haunt goer chimed in and said "Interesting I might have to go. I skipped last year because there wasn't a lot that I was familiar with".

This is why The Purge is coming back and why there's a heavy dose of Walking Dead and the big 4 slashers. This is also why they rely so heavily on IPs. Knotts has over 30 years and is an institution and has no problem getting the casual fan plus there are so many rides it is somewhat of a different animal.
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I usually like the Tram no matter what. Unless it's AGGRESSIVELY stupid. I think the only year I can say that about is 11's Scream 4 Your Life. A few others have major shortcomings, verging on bad, but are generally fine for me (10, 15, 17).
Then a second friend who is more a casual haunt goer chimed in and said "Interesting I might have to go. I skipped last year because there wasn't a lot that I was familiar with".
Not a lot they were familiar with?... So they weren't familiar with SAW, The Big 3, Chucky, The Shining, Evil Dead/Army of Darkness, Insidious, The Purge/Sinister? Traiditional Halloween?

Do they live in a cave? Remote town with no electricity or movie theatres? Hollywood's event pretty much caters to the lowest most basic of the GP... Not sure how there wasn't a lot one could be unfamiliar with.
I dont know how many of you are locals, but Boneyard Effects are doing a sale of their old HHN masks at their headquarters in Glendora till 4 if any of you wanna help them out and buy a little piece of HHN history
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These are the unused ones that stayed in the shop lol I think it's mostly prototypes to base the other masks off of, slightly defective, or they made too many and went unused. I wish I remembered about it earlier, I would've gone for sure, even if not to buy anything but at least take a trip down HHN Memory Lane.
There were some old used purge masks, mostly from Terror Tram by the looks, it was definitely only a one time thing to clear some inventory by the look of it