Y’all complain too much, can we please be happy we’re getting an event because the Hollywood forum is always so negative about things. By all means, feel free to express frustration but also consider:
-Exorcist (assuming it is coming back) is gonna be in the SoundStage! They may make it bigger and better than before
-The website is saying we’ll have scarezones!
-Pandora’s Box is coming back and whether ya liked it or not, it means new people at the event may be able to experience a house irl they saw on YouTube and thought they would never get to do.
-The TCM house looks pretty cool from what we can see of it!
I get that there’s disappointment about a lot of things, the black walls, how poorly Universal is managing things, Beetlejuice goin away, etc. But this forum needs some positivity in it. Please.