Ain't that the truth! Until 2018, the first 3 were the highest grossing slasher films of all time and even now, they're all in the top 5 aside from the latest Halloween films (domestically). The newest Scream film is number 8. On top of that, there's an additional movie (hey, it wasn't a smash success, but what ya gonna do) and three seasons of a TV show. And now there's a sixth film officially on the way with the rights to the films firmly at Paramount (except for part 4, I believe).
Like literally, WHAT ELSE could HHN possibly need for Scream to prove its worth? Murdy's excuse of it being a joke because of Scary Movie is such an antiquated reason. Scary Movie was 22 whole years ago -- 75% of the people going to the event this year weren't even alive when the movie came out and most likely haven't even seen it! Meanwhile, Scream is a lasting icon in horror. You'd probably hear one "wazzaaaaap" heckling a Ghostface a night from some drunken Gen Xer and that's it.
I literally can't believe one movie over 2 decades ago has snuffed out the chances of having THE SECOND highest grossing slasher franchise in an HHN maze. Like, that's the dumbest reason. Cancel Killer Klownz or Evil Dead and give me SCREAM!!!!